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研究生(外文):Chang-lin Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Lead-free Solder Joint Thermal Cycle Stress Analysis and Ball Shear Testing Setup
指導教授(外文):De-shin Liu
中文關鍵詞:無鉛銲錫空洞BGAANSYSAnand modelCreep model剪力推球試驗
外文關鍵詞:Lead-free solderVoid defectBGAANSYSAnand modelCreep modelBall shear test
  • 被引用被引用:7
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在無鉛銲錫封裝體中,以連接電訊的銲錫引腳最為重要。然而銲錫引腳會因輔助銲錫融化之助焊劑裂解及迴焊溫度曲線選擇不當而產生空洞缺陷,進而對封裝體之壽命產生顯著之影響。為了瞭解空洞對封裝體效能之影響,本文針對無鉛(Sn-Ag-Cu)銲錫Mini-BGA封裝體進行溫度循環實驗(-45°C~125°C),實驗試片則經過不同的迴焊溫度曲線,以驗證空洞生成並比較其封裝體之壽命。結果顯示含有空洞之封裝體壽命約比未含空洞之封裝體少15~20%。文中亦利用一般研究中所常用描述錫球行為之Anand model與Creep model參數,並將其代入有限元素軟體ANSYS中進行空洞對Mini-BGA封裝體受溫度循環之影響。模擬結果並顯示應力梯度變化最大發生於錫球上方邊角處,而裂紋將穿透空洞並迅速成長。
The most important reliability issue of a electronic package is the lead-free solder joints interconnections. Voiding occurred in lead-free solder joint due to improper reflow temperature profile and unfit flux system is one of the major failure modes to reduce the solder joint reliability. In order to understand the effects of voids on the lead-free package performance, Mini-BGA packages with Sn-Ag-Cu solder are used to undergo the temperature cycling test (TCT, -45~125°C) with different IR-reflow peak temperatures to examine the void forming mechanism and compared life cycles. The testing results shown that the failure life of the package with voids is shorter than no void samples about 15~20% life cycles. We also use the parameters of the Anand model and Creep model to combine it with FEM software, ANSYS, to investigate the failure mechanism and the influences of the voids to the reliability of the package. Analysis results are shown that Maximum stress level always found at both upper corners and could linked in void forming a through crack path.
The ball shear test was used to measure the solder ball joint shear strength. Experimental results observed that the increasing shear speed, at fixed shear height, has the effect of increasing shear force. The shear forces of the Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu solder joints are higher than those of Sn-7Zn-Al60ppm solder joints for all conditions. Higher pad opening size which exhibits significantly higher shear force. The ideal solder ball shear test conditions were recommended to be the cases with ram height of 15~20% of the solder ball height.
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 研究目的 2
1-3 文獻回顧 3
1-3-1 Voiding 3
1-3-2 Constitutive models 5
1-3-3 剪力推球實驗 7
1-3-4 文獻回顧總結 8
1-4 研究方法與流程 10
第二章 理論基礎 13
2-1 Anand model理論 13
2-2 Creep model理論 19
2-3 疲勞模型理論 23
第三章 BGA封裝體溫度循環實驗 28
3-1 實驗試片簡介 28
3-2 空洞之形成 30
3-3 溫度循環測試 33
3-4 實驗結果 37
第四章 有限元素模擬 42
4-1 有限元素模型與材料參數給定 42
4-2 有限元素模型驗證 50
4-3 模擬結果與討論 53
第五章 剪力推球實驗 64
5-1 實驗設備與架構 64
5-2 試片的製作 66
5-3 實驗方法與步驟 68
5-4 實驗結果與討論 70
第六章 結論與未來研究方向 75
6-1 結論 75
6-2 未來研究發展 76
參考文獻 78
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