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研究生(外文):Jen-I Huang
論文名稱(外文):Lattice Boltzmann Method Modeling of Heat Transfer Indcuced by Ultrashort Laser Irradiation.
外文關鍵詞:laserlattice Boltzmann methodphononelectron
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This work presents a lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) modeling of heat transfer in a thin gold film induced by an ultrashort laser pulse irradiation. Transport of heat is described by the two-step model, illustrating interactions of electrons and phonons. A simplified three-energy-level model was used to characterize the exchange of energy between the free electrons and the lattice phonons within the gold film. Consistency and agreement of the present computation results with those predicted by the macroscopic heat transfer models at the continuum limit were first demonstrated. The factor of the electron-phonon-interaction coupling factor is treated based on a three-energy-level interactive model and its advantages over the one assuming a constant coupling factor were then presented and discussed. Results also show that, as the incident laser energy enhanced manifestly, the electron temperature increased very rapidly, the time to reach equilibrium between electrons and phonons got longer, and the assumption of constant coupling factor became more unreasonable. According to the present laser heating modeling, the maximum electron temperature of the film surface appeared after the occurrence of peak laser incident energy as the film thickness was less than 100 nm and it occurred in close agreement with the peak laser power time as the film thickness was over 500 nm. As the Knudsen number was larger than 0.4, the electron heat transfer, described by electron temperature, possessed apparent wave characteristics.
中文摘要 I
誌謝 III
目錄 A
圖目錄 C
表目錄 E
符號表 F
第一章 序論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 論文架構 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1 ONE-STEP偏微分熱傳導方程式之文獻回顧 4
2-2 TWO-STEP偏微分熱傳導方程式之文獻回顧 8
2-3 以晶格波茲曼方法研究熱傳偏微分方程式之文獻回顧 12
2-4 以聲子波茲曼方法研究ONE-STEP熱傳導之文獻回顧 14
2-5 以電子耦合聲子之波茲曼方法研究TWO-STEP熱傳導之文獻回顧 17
2-6 黃金薄膜雷射熱傳導實驗之文獻回顧 18
2-7 總整理與研究方向 19
第三章 熱傳導機制之物理模型 22
3-1 熱傳導物理模型 22
3-2 波茲曼傳輸機制 24
3-3 晶格波茲曼方法 26
3-4 聲子之晶格波茲曼方法 28
3-5 電子之晶格波茲曼方法 29
3-6 聲子耦合電子之晶格波茲曼方法 31
3-7 雷射熱源 36
3-8 等效熱傳導係數 37
第四章 數值模擬方法 38
4-1 格點 38
4-2 初始條件、邊界條件 39
4-3 程式流程圖 40
4-4 程式驗證 42
第五章 結果與討論 48
5-1 聲子熱傳導 48
5-2 電子熱傳導 51
5-3 電子偶合聲子之熱傳導 52
第六章 結論與建議 69
6-1 結論 69
6-2 對未來研究之建議 70
參考文獻: 71
論文口試問題總整理 75
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