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研究生(外文):Yi-san Su
論文名稱(外文):A feasibility study for enterprises conducting the training quality system of ISO 10015
指導教授(外文):Liang-Chih Huang
外文關鍵詞:ISOtrainingquality systemfeasibility
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「訓練與發展」的品質與有效性一向是難以掌握且難以衡量的重點,而這也往往造成企業在進行教育訓練時無所適從。ISO 10015期望能夠透過此教育訓練品質系統,將組織當中的教育訓練做有系統的整合。然而,在政府大力推動此教育訓練品質系統的同時,恐怕企業的接受程度以及肯定程度,才是此品質系統成本P否的主要因素。為瞭解管理實務界對於ISO 10015教育訓練品質系統的看法、落差以及接受程度,以進一步推論此系統在台灣的可行性以及有效性,也因此構成了本研究的研究動機。
本研究以ISO 10015之教育訓練品質系統為架構,以個案研究法訪談六家公司,俾以分析ISO 10015教育訓練品質系統於企業當中施行之可行性,作為實務界推行教育訓練活動以及學術界進行教育訓練相關研究之參考。

命題一:在組織當中成立品質管理委員會的型式,對於推動品質管理制度以及ISO 10015教育訓練品質系統皆有所幫助。

命題二:組織當中之教育訓練制度與ISO 10015之落差愈小者,其對教育訓練之信心及滿意度愈高。

命題三:根據ISO 10015,組織策略與教育訓練策略結合程度愈高者,則教育訓練所帶來的成效愈大。



命題六:在將ISO 10015之精神導入,並對教育訓練系統嚴格要求,使得訓練成為員工必需的情況下,能夠大幅提升教育訓練之成效。

命題七:若ISO 10015能夠加入將職能特性採行量化衡量方式之概念,則對於教育訓練需求的衡量以及整體組織能力之進展皆能有較精準有效的掌握。

命題八:只要組織充分瞭解ISO 10015精神並按照組織特性彈性設計,在推行所要求的文件

命題九:在導入ISO 10015之教育訓練品質系統的過程中,由認證制適度配合公司,而非由公司去特意配合認證制度之要求。如此一來,便能達到提升組織教育訓練成效之結果。

命題十:組織依照ISO 10015概念,並能夠以量化方式評估教育訓練之成效達到Level 3行為以及Level 4結果者,其組織對於教育訓練會有較大的信心,並得到較為良好的教育訓練成效。
It’s always hard for enterprises to control and evaluate the quality and effectiveness of training. Recently, developing ISO 10015 seems to be the solution for enterprises to improve the training system. Through the training quality system, ISO 10015, organizations can integrate their training systematically. However, the acceptance and recognition of enterprises holds the key to success, while our government promotes the training systems. Therefore, this study tries to understand the enterprises’ viewpoints, gap and acceptance level of ISO 10015 and evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of the system promoted in Taiwan.

Based on the structure of ISO 10015, the study selected six firms for case interview. This study compared the gap between the current training systems and ISO 10015 and the enterprises’ viewpoints of ISO 10015 in order to analyze its feasibility, which can be the references for enterprises to promote training activities and for academy to do further researches.
According to the research results and cases analysis, this study also derives out the following propositions:

Proposition 1: To build a quality control committee within the organization will be benefit for conducting the training quality system of ISO 10015.

Proposition 2: The smaller the gap between training systems and ISO 10015 is, the higher confidence and satisfaction of the organization is.

Proposition 3: According to ISO 10015, while the combination level of organizational strategy and training strategy is higher, the effectiveness of the training is higher.

Proposition 4: While the executives of the organization think highly of training and have more concept of human resource management, and the members of organization recognize training program consistently, the developing of training activities can be smoother and result in a positive recycle.

Proposition 5: The enterprises could evaluate the training needs through the organizational strategy combining with the competence analysis, management by objectives (MBO), job description, and human resources inventory.

Proposition 6: When organizations bring in the spirit of ISO 10015 and practice strict requirement on educational training system, it can substantially increase the training effectiveness by making the training as basic necessity to staff.

Proposition 7: It’ll be more effective for evaluating the training needs and developing the organization’s capability while integrating the concept of evaluating competence by quantitative approach into ISO 10015.

Proposition 8: As long as fully understanding ISO 10015 and designing the training system flexibly, it won’t cause the organizational rigid operation problem.

Proposition 9: The audit institution should base on the characteristics of the organization to conduct the audit during the auditing process of ISO 10015 in an appropriate requirement.

Proposition10: According to ISO 10105, it will increase the confidence and the training effectiveness of the organization while the quantitative evaluation approach could be reached to level 3 and level 4 of training evaluation.
第一章 緒論 ...................................................1
第一節 研究背景與動機..........................................1
第二節 研究目的................................................4
第三節 研究流程及研究對象..................................... 5

第二章 文獻探討...............................................7
第一節 ISO品質系列與ISO 10015之相關研究.......................7
第二節 教育訓練與ISO 10015相關之概念.........................30
第三節 ISO品質認證系統與教育訓練之關聯.......................55

第三節 研究方法...............................................64
第一節 主要研究方法..........................................64
第二節 研究架構..............................................66
第三節 資料收集與分析........................................67

第四章 個案公司分析...........................................72
第一節 A公司訪談分析.........................................72
第二節 B公司訪談分析.........................................82
第三節 C公司訪談分析.........................................94
第四節 D公司訪談分析........................................109
第五節 E公司訪談分析........................................118
第六節 F公司訪談分析........................................128
第七節 個案公司綜合分析與整理...............................138

第五章 結論與建議...........................................152
第一節 研究結論.............................................152
第一節 研究限制.............................................158
第二節 研究發現與研究建議...................................159


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ISO官方網站,ISO in brief,
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