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研究生(外文):Li-Wei Hsiao
論文名稱(外文):Using Multi-Monitor Technology to Construct a Simultaneous Authoring and Synchronized Presentation Teaching Aided System Based on Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning
指導教授(外文):Pao-Ta Yu
外文關鍵詞:Multi-MonitorSimultaneous AuthoringSynchronized PresentationCognitive Theory of Multimedia Learningreferential connections
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隨著電腦科技的進步,視覺化的教學呈現有著劇烈地改變;近年來,多數的老師主要以投影機的方式呈現教材而不在是黑板。其中,讓學習者建構有意義地知識並建立心智表徵的參照鏈結之最有效途徑,便是將教材多媒體化且經由多媒體的展示教學。然而,現今的教學大多使用單螢幕系統展示,倘若有多份文件或多種檔案格式需同時展示將是一大難題;且多數的教材編輯及展示軟體鮮少支援多螢幕系統的架構。在多螢幕的環境中,多份文件之間的同步展示也是值得關注的議題。因此,此篇論文的主旨在於建置一個結合多螢幕技術的教學輔助系統,可支援及操作現有的教材編輯軟體,如Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, 及Adobe Acrobat等; 而在多媒體教材的呈現上,也額外提供網頁、圖片與影音等格式。基於多媒體學習認知理論,此教學輔助系統可支援並結合了語文形式與圖像形式。以數學教學的情境為例,透過此教學輔助系統,老師可輕易地將幾何圖學與代數表示式部署在兩個不同的螢幕上,藉以幫助學習者建立心智表徵的參照鏈結。此幾何圖學亦即圖像形式,而代數表示式則為語文形式。在多螢幕的教材呈現環境下,此系統也提供了同步控制的機制,且多數的事件觸發例如上下頁切換,皆可透過此輔助系統進而操作展示中的文件。
The progress of computer technology has enabled an explosion in the visual ways of teaching presentation. In recent years, most educators present their instructional materials by using projectors primarily rather than chalkboards. Multimedia instructional presentation is the best approach for learners to construct meaningful knowledge and to build referential connections of mental representations. However, most teaching presentations today bind with a single monitor system which is difficult to present multiple documents or multimedia formats simultaneously if necessary. Another problem is that most authoring and presenting tools support multiple monitors poorly. Besides, the synchronization of multiple documents among multiple monitors during teaching presentation is worthy to be concerned. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to use a multi-monitor technology to construct a teaching aided system that supports and controls existing authoring tools such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Adobe Acrobat, etc. In multimedia presentation, the aided system also provides several multimedia formats: HTML, image and video. Based on the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning, this aided system is realized to combine and support verbal and pictorial forms. Such as a scenario of mathematical teaching, educators can easily deploy the geometric interpretations and the algebraic expressions to help learners who build the referential connections of mental representations on two different monitors by using this aided system. In the scenario, the geometric interpretations displayed on one monitor represent the pictorial form; meanwhile, the algebraic expressions displayed on the other monitor represent the verbal form. In addition, during multiple monitor presentation, this teaching aided system performs an event controller, and provides a synchronized control mechanism, such events as “Go to Next Page”, ”Go to Previous Page”, etc. The system can trigger directly most events.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Overview 1
1.2 Motivation 2
1.3 Organization of the Thesis 4
Chapter 2 Related Technologies 5
2.1 Multiple Display Monitors 5
2.1.1 Overview 5
2.1.2 Monitor Topology 6
2.1.3 Monitor Mode 7
2.2 OLE Automation 9
2.3 Windows Hooks 11
2.4 Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning 13
2.4.1 Overview 13
2.4.2 Seven Principles 15
Chapter 3 Requirements and System Analysis 18
3.1 Requirement Acquisition 18
3.1.1 User Requirement 18 Authoring Requirement 19 Presentation Requirement 20
3.1.2 System Requirement 22
3.2 System Analysis 23
Chapter 4 System Design and Implementation 29
4.1 Authoring Mode 30
4.1.1 Design 30 Object Container 30 Multi-Monitor Manager 32
4.1.2 Implementation 39 Object Container 39 Multi-Monitor Manager 40
4.2 Presentation Mode 41
4.2.1 Design 41 Multi-Monitor Manager 41 Asynchronized Presentation 45 Synchronized Presentation 50 Handwriting Controller 53
4.2.2 Implementation 54 Multi-Monitor Manager 54 Asynchronized Presentation 56 Synchronized Presentation 59 Handwriting Controller 60
Chapter 5 A Scenario of Mathematical Teaching 62
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Works 68
6.1 Conclusions 68
6.2 Future Works 69
References 71
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