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研究生(外文):Kuan-ju Lai
論文名稱(外文):Vessel Analysis in 3-D Power Doppler Breast Ultrasound
指導教授(外文):Ruey-feng Chang
外文關鍵詞:3-D Power Doppler Breast UltrasoundMedical image processing
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腫瘤生長與新血管增生之間的關係是幫助醫生診斷腫瘤發展結果一個重要的現象。與乳癌相關的血管新生作用近幾年已經被廣泛研究,也被證實與腫瘤的生長、惡化與轉移過程中扮演著重要的角色。以往的相關研究,只利用血管數的多寡來診斷腫瘤,而本篇論文將著重於血管相對於腫瘤的位置關係來診斷腫瘤,例如新血管是否位於腫瘤內。為了量化這些新提出的特徵,腫瘤區域首先必須切割出來,以利分析血管與腫瘤位置之關係。本篇論文提出電腦輔助診斷系統將使用乳房3-D 彩色都卜勒(Doppler)超音波成像技術,3-D 彩色都卜勒超音波的資料可被解碼成兩種連續的影像,分別是紀錄腫瘤結構的灰階影像與保存血管資訊的血管影像。灰階影像將利用模糊理論演算法及連結區塊標記法決定出腫瘤區域。決定腫瘤區域後,再利用血管影像計算出在相對應的區域中的血管點數。綜合以上的技術,本篇論文取出了如下的特徵:腫瘤體積,血管體積,血管與總體積的比例,腫瘤內部血管與腫瘤的比例,腫瘤外部血管與腫瘤的外部正常組織比例及腫瘤周圍血管與此範圍體積比例。最後,使用神經網路來結合以上的特徵運用在乳房腫瘤的診斷。本篇論文總共分析223個有乳房腫瘤的病例,其中包含115個良性腫瘤和108個惡性腫瘤。本篇論文所提出的系統正確率為85.20 %。
The correlation between tumor growth and angiogenesis is an important phenomenon that helps physicians to analyze the disease. Tumor angiogenesis has been widely studied in recent years and proved as a key role in tumor growth, invasion, and metastasis. In the past researches, only the vessel information is used to diagnose the tumor. However, the location of vessel related to the tumor, for example whether the vessel is inside the tumor or not, is proposed in this paper. In order to extract the new proposed features, the tumor regions should be segmented for capturing the information in and out tumor. This paper presents a computer-aided diagnostic (CAD) system that analyzes the relation between blood vessels and tumor using 3-D power Doppler ultrasound (US) for breast cancer. These 3-D power Doppler ultrasound datasets could be decoded into two kinds of sequential images, grey and vessel images. Grey images are applied by a fuzzy unit, a defuzzier unit, and connected component labeling techniques to determine tumor VOI (volume of interest). Vessel images are used to capture vessel blood voxels corresponding to the segmented tumor. This study of 3-D assessment of the correlation between blood vessels and tumor using the volumes of tumor and vessels, the ratio of vessel voxels and volume voxels, the ratio of vessel voxels inside tumor region, the ratio of vessel voxels outside tumor region, the ratio of vessel voxels around tumor region. Finally, these extracted features for all training datasets are put into the neural network and then the training process is computed. The trained neural network is then used for breast tumor diagnosis. For 223 solid breast rumors including 115 benign and 108 malignant cases, the accuracy of neural network using proposed features is 85.20 %.
摘  要 i

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Background and Related Preprocessing Techniques 4
2.1 3-D Ultrasound Datasets 4
2.2 Pre-processing 8
2.2.1 Histogram Equalization 8
2.2.2 Sigmoid Filter 9
2.2.3 Anisotropic Diffusion Filter 10
Chapter 3 The proposed CAD system 12
3.1 Tumor Extraction 13
3.1.1 Fuzzy Feature Parameters 14
3.1.2 Fuzzy Unit 17
3.1.3 Relaxation Techniques 19
3.2 3-D Connected Components 20
3.3 Shadow Reduction 22
3.4 Vessel Extraction 22
3.5 Features Extraction 23
Chapter 4 Experiments and Discussion 26
4.1 Experimental Results 26
4.2 ROC Curve 31
4.3 Neural Network 35
Chapter 5 Conclusion 40
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