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研究生(外文):Shih-Chieh Hsueh
論文名稱(外文):A Distributed Address Assignment with Dynamic Timer in MANET
指導教授(外文):Wei-Kuo Chiang
外文關鍵詞:MANETBuddy systemAddress assignmentAuto-configuration
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在行動隨意網路(MANET)中,位址指派是一個很重要的問題,一個行動節點加入網路之後必須先取得一個唯一識別的位址,然後才能與其他的節點進行單點廣播,透過動態位址指派可以讓行動節點不經由任何其他硬體設備就能取得一個routable的位址,然後藉由這個位址與其他的行動節點進行相互的溝通以及資訊交流,因此在MANET中位址指派不但是一個很基本而且也是一個很有挑戰性的問題。多數先前的研究往往忽略了位址指派的重要性,當網路建構時就直接假設每個節點都已經事先分配好位址才加入網路,這樣的假設在有線網路也閉O可行的,但是由於MANET中的節點具有行動能力,隨著時間的變動可以隨意的加入或離開網路,因此如此的假設就不適合運用在拓墣變化快速的MANET環境中。近年來也有釵h不同的動態位址分配概念被提出來,但是總有不同的缺點出現,因此我們透過動態計時器的概念提出一個分散式的位址分配機制來分配給新進的節點一個唯一的位址,當新進的節點提出位址要求後,MANET中已經配置好位址而且鄰近新進節點的節點就會依據目前網路節點個數以及自己手中分配到的位址池動態計算產生一個計時器,當計時器倒數完畢才會回應新進節點,如此就能讓具有較大位址池的節點較早回應新進節點的位址要求,使得新進節點能夠從較大位址池的節點手中取得一個可用的位址,並且避免同時回應訊息而產生碰撞的情形,降低網路的流量,提升無線傳輸的品質,其主要的觀念與無線網路中的CSMA/CA相似,都是利用一個back-off timer來避免封包碰撞。在我們的模擬結果中,也觀察出我們的方法具有少量的communication overhead,並且能在平均0.25秒內取得一個有效位址。
A mobile node in MANET must be assigned a unique address before it may participate in unicast communication. Dynamic address assignment enables nodes in MANET to obtain a routable address without the need for any explicit configuration. It provides a means for nodes to communicate without any centralized infrastructure and provides a mechanism for dynamic network membership. This is a fundamental and difficult problem in the practical use of any MANET. Most MANET literature assumes that network related information of a node such as address is configured statically, prior to the node joining the MANET. However, this may not be feasible as nodes can enter and leave MANET dynamically. Recently, a considerable number of dynamic addressing protocols have been proposed. However, these approaches have different drawbacks. Hence, we propose a distributed protocol with dynamic timer for address assignment to nodes in MANET. Every configured node in MANET calculates a dynamic delay timer for new join node. The difference of delay timer could make the configured node with the bigger address pool to reply the request faster than the node with the smaller address pool. Hence, the requester can obtain an address pool as big as possible. By the way, it uses the concept of CSMA/CA to avoid the collision of reply messages and decrease the traffic between configured nodes and newly joining nodes. Simulation results show that the protocol incurs low latency and communication overhead for an address assignment and the address allocations require around 0.25 seconds.
誌謝 i
中文摘要 ii
英文摘要(Abstract) iii
內容 iv
圖片標題索引 v
表格標題索引 vi
1. 導論 1
2. 相關研究 3
2.1 Zeroconf研究團隊提出的方法 3
2.2 Autoconf研究團隊提出的方法 4
2.3 MANETconf研究團隊提出的方法 4
2.4 預言家位址分配(Prophet Addressing) 5
2.5 以夥伴系統(buddy systems)為基礎的位址分配機制 6
3. 問題描述與解決方案 8
3.1 設計的基本概念 8
3.2 動態延遲函式(Dynamic Delay Function)之設計 12
3.3 演算法描述 15
3.4 平衡位址池演算法(Balance Pool Algorithm) 21
3.5 訊息封包介紹 22
4. 模擬實驗 24
4.1 模擬環境之設定 24
4.2 實驗結果與分析討論 25
5. 結論 32
參考文獻 33
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