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研究生(外文):Yun-Kai Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Implementation of Reusable Digital Multi-Layer Cellular Neural Network on FPGA
指導教授(外文):Sung-Nien Yu
外文關鍵詞:FPGACNNReusablemulti-layer Cellular Neural Network
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目前細胞式類神經網路(Cellular Neural Networks, CNN)的趨勢漸漸往大型模板以及多層架構應用方向發展,但是傳統的CNN-UM受限於其硬體架構並不易使用於大型模板以及多層架構的應用,所以本論文提出一個可重複使用的多層細胞式類神經網路架構,並加入模板分解弁遄C本架構使用硬體直接存取記憶體的方式來加快速度,再搭配一顆CPU來進行相關控制,並建立一個嵌入式系統來使我們的系統更加完善。
  本研究使用了Xilinx Multimedia Board來驗證我們的架構的正確性,論文中舉了兩個例子來驗證,實驗過程顯示只需更改視窗程式的設定即可產生一組Veriolg程式碼來使用於不同應用。執行結果顯示硬體運算得到的結果與軟體運算得到的結果之間誤差約在0.0076%~1.0254%,證明我們的架構是正確無誤,並且可以重複使用。
The trend of study in the Cellular Neural Networks(CNN) has gone toward the field of large template and multi-layer structure. However traditional CNN-UM is limited to its hardware structure that is difficult to used in the application of large template and multi-layer structure. Therefore, the objective of this thesis is to propose a reusable multi-layer CNN structure which also support large template decomposition function. This structure uses the method of direct memory access to accelerate the processing and uses a CPU core for control. Both of these features result in an effective embedded system.
In our proposed system, we design a GUI (Graphical User Interface) and enable users to set the parameters for specific purpose. The GUI will automatically produce the Verilog code according to the settings. Therefore, the system can support most multi-layer structures. In addition, we add the function of large template decomposition, which further expands the range of application of our system.
This research uses a Xilinx Multimedia Board to verify the performance of our system. Two examples are designed to verify the results. The experimental results show that different applications can be properly reproduced by only changing the settings of the GUI, which further produces the Verilog code for different applications. The results show negligible differences of about 0.0076%~1.0254% between hardware operation and software operation. This result proves the effectiveness and reusability of our system.
This system can be used in the application of multi-layer CNN that has complex state functions. Our system can support multi-layer CNN up to 16 layers and allows large template decomposition. A user friendly GUI is designed to separately set the parameter of each layer. It is believed that the proposition of this structure can improve the functionality and convenience in the hardware implementation of multi-layer cellular neural network hardware.
摘要............................................................................................. i
章節目錄................................................................................... iv
第一章、緒論............................................................................ 1
第二章、相關文獻回顧............................................................ 4
2.3.1、Slot 模板拆解理論..........................................................................12
2.3.3 近年來對模板分之研究....................................................................13
第三章、多層細胞式類神經網路架構.................................. 17
第四章、可重複使用多層細胞式類神經網路架構............... 31
第五章、嵌入式系統架構...................................................... 36
5.2、FPGA 簡介...............................................................................39
5.3、Xilinx Multimedia Board..........................................................40
第六章、實驗結果與討論...................................................... 48
第七章、結論.......................................................................... 79
參考文獻.................................................................................. 80
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