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研究生(外文):Hui-Kai Su
論文名稱(外文):QoS Control and Management for SLA-Based VoIP Applications in DiffServ IP/MPLS Networks
指導教授(外文):Cheng-Shong WuKim-Joan Chen
外文關鍵詞:Network SurvivabilityPacket ClassificationQoSVoIPDiffServMPLSService PolicyInternet
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為了延伸網路電話服務的規模,我們設計與實作網路電話閘道器,整合公眾交換電信網路、H.323 網路電話與 SIP 網路電話,並且在差別式服務多重協定標籤交換寬頻網際網路中建置網路電話實驗環境。除此之外,我們提出內部以 SIP 為基礎之共通信令,以降低網路電話閘道器信令轉換之複雜度。


為了降低服務品質管理複雜度,我們也提出兩個服務模型,AF+_non-RA 與AF+_RA,讓一般 E-LSP 與 L-LSP 載送網路電話資料無法同時兼顧品質與成本的況狀下,提供一種選擇。AF+ 服務模型可以符合成本效益需求,並且在在差別式服務多重協定標籤交換寬頻網際網路上提供一個實用的方案。


在我們的環境中,我們也觀察到網路恢復收斂時間無法滿足網路電話對網路可靠度的要求。因此我們在網路路由區域中針對網路電話服務提出 IP Local Fast-Reroute (IPLFRR) 機制,我們的機制提供簡單且有效率的方案來保護網際網路,根據現有的連線狀態路由協定,我們的方案不需要額外的控制協定與修改路由協定。

Recently, VoIP applications are ubiquitous in the Internet, due to the high resource efficiency of IP-Based networks and its low cost compared to conventional voice transport service via Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). To provide a credible alternative to telephony service in PSTN, VoIP has to offer the same reliability and voice quality.

To extend VoIP service scalability, we design and implement a VoIP gateway to integrate the phone services of PSTN, H.323 VoIP and SIP VoIP, and then establish an experimental VoIP environment over DiffServ IP/MPLS networks. Additionally, we have proposed internal SIP-based common signaling to reduce the complexity of signaling translation.

In the environment, we observe that the limitations of system hardware and software, and the lack of VoIP QoS guarantee. To provide a credible, robust, fair, and efficient VoIP service, we propose a SLA management framework including off-line evaluation and on-line process. In this framework, two research issues in off-line evaluation and on-line process are formulated as optimization problems. The results of SLA mapping in off-line QoS evaluation can help VoIP application providers to maximize the profit and contract the N-SLA based on the contracted S-SLA. Additionally, the results of VoIP quality level adaptation in on-line process can help VoIP application providers to maximize the profit and define a proprietary VoIP service policy. Moreover, the service policy can provide a guideline to VoIP service control, such as CAC (call admission control), service quality assignment, etc.

In order to reduce the complexity of QoS management, we propose two novel service models, AF+_non-RA and AF+_RA, to enable the E-LSP and L-LSP to tradeoff between the two opposing objectives. AF+ VoIP service meets the cost-effective requirements and provides a practical solution to DiffServ-based MPLS Networks.

Additionally, we observe that the traditional classifications are inadequate for VoIP applications whose classification rules can't be configured in advance. We propose the state tracking session classification and presented two implementation alternatives. By tracking the states of the sessions, all of the packets in the session-based applications can be caught and then marked or tagged.

In our environment, we also observe that the IP restoration time cannot satisfy the reliability requirements of VoIP service. We propose an IP Local Fast-Reroute (IPLFRR) scheme for VoIP service in an intra-area IP routing domain. Our scheme provides simple and efficient solutions for IP network protection. According to the present link-state routing protocols, neither extra control protocols nor enhanced routing protocols are needed in our solutions.

Briefly, the QoS control and management schemes proposed in this thesis can improve service quality, service scalability, service availability and reliability of VoIP applications in DiffServ IP/MPLS networks efficiently. Our contributions are useful to VoIP users, VoIP application providers and network service provider, especially the VoIP application providers.
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 VoIP Challenges and Research Scope 2
1.3 Organization of the Thesis 8
2 VoIP System Environment 10
2.1 VoIP Applications in DiffServ IP/MPLS Networks 10
2.2 Design and Implementation of VoIP Gateway 12
2.2.1 System Design 12
2.2.2 System Performance 15
3 QoS Control and Management Schemes 17
3.1 SLA Structures and Management for VoIP Applications 17
3.1.1 Introduction 17
3.1.2 Related Works 21
3.1.3 SLA Management Framework 21
3.1.4 SLA Structures 25
3.2 SLA Mapping in Off-Line QoS Evaluation 30
3.2.1 SLAs translation 31
3.2.2 Heuristic Algorithm 35
3.3 VoIP Quality Level Adaptation in On-Line Process 36
3.3.1 Introduction 36
3.3.2 Problem Formulation 38
3.4 AF+ VoIP Service in DiffServ/MPLS Networks 42
3.4.1 Introduction 42
3.4.2 AF+ Service Models 44
3.5 Session Classification for Traffic Aggregation 52
3.5.1 Introduction 52
3.5.2 Session Classification Architectures 55
3.6 Local Fast-Reroute schemes in IP Networks 59
3.6.1 Introduction 59
3.6.2 Related Works 63
3.6.3 IP Routing and IP Local Fast-Reroute 65
3.6.4 IP Local Fast-Reroute Schemes 68
4 Analysis and Numerical Results 78
4.1 SLA Mapping in Off-Line QoS Evaluation 78
4.2 VoIP Quality Level Adaptation in On-Line Process 81
4.3 AF+ VoIP Service in DiffServ/MPLS Networks 84
4.3.1 Call Blocking Rate 84
4.3.2 Optimal Solution 85
4.4 A Session Classification Example for H.323 VoIP Applications 89
4.4.1 H.323 Overview 89
4.4.2 Design of H.323 Session Classifier 90
4.4.3 Experiment Environment 92
4.5 Local Fast-Reroute Schemes in IP Networks 96
4.5.1 Comparison with IP Local Fast Reroute and Loop Free Alternate Paths 96
4.5.2 Simulations 99
5 Conclusion 110
5.1 Our Contribution 110
5.2 Ongoing Research and Future Work 112
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