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研究生(外文):Min-Chiau Lu
論文名稱(外文):A Dual-Input Noise Cancellation System for Hearing Aids Using Adaptive Line Enhancer and Adaptive Digital Filter
指導教授(外文):Sung-Nien Yu
外文關鍵詞:adaptive filterhearing aid
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克風系統(dual microphone)已經被廣泛的使用在數位式助聽器上,本
兩個系統的雜訊消除能力將在內文中做比較,在低SNR 的實驗中,
我們可以發現,系統II 對於輸入的訊號,平均可以提升7.56 dB,較
系統I 的平均6.96 dB 為高,但系統I 對於弦波雜訊具有較佳的濾波
效果,而系統II 則在雜訊較複雜的環境裡有較好的表現。總結來說,
系統II 具有較好的表現,但我們仍然希望可以藉由一個可切換的設
In the modern society, the number of old people is gradually
raised, the teenagers are used to personal stereo earphones, and the
hearing lose of the newborns is still out of control. All of these factors
contribute to the continuously increase in the need of hearing aids. To
those Dysaudia patients who can't be clinically treated but still has
remaining hearing, they can improve the hearing ability by wearing
hearing aids. For the hearing aid researchers, “noise" has always
been a problem to solve. In real life, background noise always
interferes the ability of people to distinguish and understand the voice,
this kind of interference is even more severe to the hearing loss
patients. In daily life, background noise includes not only the
wideband noise but also the sinusoidal noise, such as ventilating fan or
engine noise. In recent years, dual microphone system has been
widely used on digital hearing aids. This paper proposes two
dual-input noise cancellation systems based on ANC and ALE, each of
which corresponds to different background noise. By using these two
systems, we can eliminate the background noise from the signal. The
noise-elimination power of the two systems are compared in the study.
In low SNR experiments(-20~0 dB SNR), the average SNR of
system II improves 7.56 dB, while system I only improves 6.96 dB.
Moreover system I outperforms system II in reducing sinusoidal noise,
while System II has better performance in more complex noisy
environments. Therefore, we can conclude that system II has better
average performance, but an suitable scheme may be suggested to
switch the hearing aid in different mode to cope with different noise
第一章 緒論............................................................................ 1
1.1 研究背景與動機...........................................................................1
1.2 研究目的.......................................................................................4
1.3 論文架構.......................................................................................5
第二章 基本理論.................................................................... 6
2.1 適應性濾波器簡介........................................................................6
2.2 適應性雜訊消除的基本原理.......................................................6
2.3 使用最小均方根演算法的適應性雜訊消除............................10
2.4 使用最小均方根演算法的適應性單頻訊號提昇器................12
2.4 ANC 與ALE 的特性...............................................................14
第三章 雙輸入雜訊消除系統I............................................ 15
3.1 助聽器.........................................................................................15
3.2 雙輸入的雜訊消除系統I..........................................................17
3.2.1 雙輸入雜訊消除系統的基本原理....................................................18
3.3 環境與系統參數的設定.............................................................19
3.4 雙輸入雜訊消除系統I 的模擬結果..........................................21
3.5 以實際聲音做模擬....................................................................30
3.5.1 馬達聲...............................................................................................30
3.5.2 平交道旁火車通過的聲音...............................................................31
3.5.3 市場的吵雜聲...................................................................................32
3.5.4 空壓機的運轉聲...............................................................................33
第四章 雙輸入雜訊消除系統II .......................................... 35
4.1 雙輸入的雜訊消除系統II .........................................................35
4.1.2 雙輸入雜訊消除系統II 的環境設定與參數...................................35
4.2 雙輸入雜訊消除系統II 的模擬結果........................................36
4.3 以實際聲音做模擬......................................................................40
4.3.1 馬達聲...............................................................................................40
4.3.2 平交道旁火車通過的聲音...............................................................41
4.3.3 市場的吵雜聲...................................................................................41
4.3.4 空壓機的運轉聲...............................................................................41
4.3 結果討論......................................................................................42
第五章 其他測試.................................................................. 43
5.1 測試單純只有語音與雜訊時的系統效能................................43
5.2 測試不同SNR 值時系統的效能..............................................44
5.3 測試語音與雜訊同向時系統的效能........................................50
5.3.1 測試不同SNR 值時系統的效能......................................................51
第六章 結論與未來展望...................................................... 58
6.1 結論.............................................................................................58
6.2 未來展望.....................................................................................59
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