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研究生(外文):Tung-Yi Lin
論文名稱(外文):Face Detection and Tracking for HomMed Robot System
指導教授(外文):R. C. Luo
外文關鍵詞:HomMed RobotFace Detection and Tracking
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近年來,隨著電腦與機器人技術在日新月異成長下,智慧型機器人系統已經廣泛應用於工業自動化、醫院自動化、博物館導覽、軍事應用、家庭服務、保全服務以及替人類執行危險任務。在應用智慧型機器人的層面更加廣泛的同時,也將帶動國際間更加熱烈的研究風潮,並且蘊含著廣大的商機。本論文的主要內容是利用多重感測器與視覺系統應用於居家醫療機器人”HomMed Robot”。視覺系統包含遠端監控及遠端診斷,其中遠端診斷包含人臉偵測及人臉追蹤,此論文將從此方面來說明,並且多元而成它a展現實驗結果,致力提升居家醫療機器人的視覺系統,使居家醫療機器人能更安全的執行各種任務。
病人的臉孔偵測結合了Real Adaboost跟Logitboost兩種演算法,其中包含了很多簡單的分類器。由於機器人必須在行進中進行追蹤人類臉孔的動作,背景與前景均是動態的,一些傳統的演算法例如利用相減來從影像裡抽取出前景是不適用的。在此篇論文裡使用的方法是結合透視投射法與模糊邏輯來達成動態追蹤病人的臉孔,進而完成遠端診斷的工作。
With recently rapid growth of computer and robotic technology, the intelligent robot system has been applied to the industrial automation, hospital automation, museum guide, military application, home service, security service, and executing dangerous tasks for people. While the phenomenon which uses the intelligent robot is more extensive, it will promote the robotic research of international agitation, and contain the vast business opportunity. The main content of this thesis is to employ multi-sensor and vision system to apply in HomMed Robot(HMR). The vision system consists of remote monitoring and remote diagnosis. Remote diagnosis consist of detection and tracking of human face. This thesis will illustrate these and show the experimental results both diversely and successfully. I devote to promote the vision system of HMR, and let HMR can execute various tasks more safely.
The face detection algorithm, which is based on the Real Adaboost and Logitboost, is employed to detect the face of the patient. A cascade of boosted classifiers, which consists of several simpler classifiers, is used to detect the face. For the tracking of human face, the traditional algorithms, such as subtraction to extract the foreground from an image, are not suitable for HMR because of both the motion of the targets and background. The method we proposed is the combination of perspective projection and fuzzy logic. It tracks an object in the condition that the target and tracker are both moving. The experimental results demonstrate that HMR can track the human face successfully.
誌 謝 i
Abstract ii
摘 要 iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Figures vi
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 3
1.2 Objectives 5
1.3 Advantages of the Service Robot 6
1.3.1 Classification 6
1.3.2 Technique 7
1.3.3 Product 8
1.3.4 Market Analysis 8
1.4 Thesis organization 12
Chapter 2: Literature Review 14
2.1 Development of the Home Service Robot System 14
2.2 Care-O-Bot 16
2.2.1 Business Card Exchange Function 16
2.2.2 Fetch and Carry Task Execution Function 17
2.3 ISSAC 19
2.3.1 Features 19
2.3.2 Functions 20
2.3.3 Controller Architecture 20
2.3.4 Applications 23
2.4.1 Funtions 24
2.4.2 Technology 24
2.5 PaPeRo 26
2.6 Roborior 27
2.7 Intelligent Home Security Robot 29
2.7.1 System Architecture Functions 30
2.7.2 ISR and Security System 32
2.7.3 Appliance Control System 35
2.7.4 Experimental Results 37
2.8 Navigation and Mobile Security System of Security Robot 42
2.8.1 Software Architecture 43
2.8.2 Obstacle Avoidance System 45
2.8.3 Security System 46
2.8.4 Experimental Results 50
Chapter 3: System Architecture of the HomMed Root 59
3.1 Introduction 59
3.2 System Architecture 60
3.2.1 Hardware Architecture 61
3.2.2 Software Architecture 63
3.3 Vision System 64
3.4 Communication System 65
3.4.1 Wireless LAN 66
3.4.2 IPC (Inter-Process Communication) 67
3.5 Sensory System 68
3.5.1 Ultrasonic Sensor 68
3.5.2 Laser Range Finder 69
3.6 Motion Control System 72
3.7 Power System 72
Chapter 4: Vision System in HomMed Robot 77
4.1 Introduction 77
4.2 Scenario of Vision System 78
4.3 Remote Surveillance 79
4.4 Remote Diagnosis 80
4.5 Face Detection 81
4.5.1 Committee Machine 81
4.5.2 Adaboost Algorithm 82
4.6 Face Tracking 84
4.6.1 Perspective Projection 85
4.6.2 Camera Calibration 86
4.7 Multi-Face Tracking 87
Chapter 5: Experimental Results 89
5.1 Preparation 89
5.2 Face Tracking 90
5.3 Multi-Face Tracking 92
Chapter 6: Conclusion and Future Works 94
Chapter 7: Contributions 95
Reference 97
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