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研究生(外文):Ja-shung Liao
論文名稱(外文):Harmonic Mitigation and Analysis of AC Arc Furnace Loads with Using Active and Passive Filters
外文關鍵詞:harmonic Mitigationarc furnacefilter
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本論文主要探討一般鋼鐵廠所產生的諧波特性模擬與分析,廠中諧波源包括電弧爐、高必vac/dc可調速驅動器及靜態虛斥劦v器(SVC),另有被動式濾波器等諧波改善裝置,由鋼鐵的的量測與MATLAB/Simulink 與 EMTP/ATP模擬結果作比較,顯示出模擬結果與實際量測結果有很好的一致性。另在模擬廠區安裝主動濾波器和較高次的被動濾波器,來觀察諧波改善情形。
Arc furnaces used for steel production are a main cause of voltage fluctuations in electrical networks, which may give rise to the flicker effect. Voltage fluctuations, due to ramdom are-length variations during scrap melting. Static-var-compensator(SVC) are installed in plants feeding arc furnaces in order to compensate both voltage fluctuation and voltage distortion.
This thesis discuss simulation and analyze harmonic characteristicd generated by a steel firm, that equipped with arc furnace, high-power ac/dc adjustable speed drives cycloconverters and static var compensator(SVC) and passive harmonic filters. From actual measurements and analyzed and compared with the simulation results obtained by using MATLAB/Simulink and EMTP/ATP. It is shown that simulation results and the actual measurement are in a good agreement. Then install active power filter(APF)and high order passive harmonic at steel firm by simulation. To observe harmonic improvement situation.
The contributions of thesis include (1)Typical steel firm including several harmonic and flicker sources, to simulation and measure harmonic components using software, (2)To compare active power filter and passive harmonic filters harmonic improvement situation when install at steel firm, (3)To compare cost when install active power filter and passive harmonic filters, (4)Building an ac electric arc furnace modle using EMTP which is suitable for time-domain harmonic analysis.

中文摘要 -------------------------------------------------------------------------I
英文摘要 ------------------------------------------------------------------------II
目錄 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV
圖目錄 ------------------------------------------------------------------------VII
表目錄 -----------------------------------------------------------------------XII

第一章 緒論 --------------------------------------------------------------------1
1.1 研究背景 --------------------------------------------------------1
1.2 研究動機 -----------------------------------------------1
1.3 研究方法 --------------------------------------------------------1

第二章 電力品質 -----------------------------------------------------3
2.1諧波理論 ----------- ---------------------------------------------3
2.2電力諧波來源與影響 -----------------------------------------3
2.3 諧波的改善方法 ----------------------------------------------5

第三章 電弧爐與軋鋼迴路 --------------------------------------------------6
3.1 電弧爐簡介 --------------------------------------------------6
3.2電壓閃爍改善對策 --------------------------------------8
3.4電弧爐煉鋼方式 ----------------------------------------------13
3.5電弧爐的特性 -------------------------------------------------15
3.6電弧爐動態負載模型 ---------------------------------19
3.7實際鋼鐵廠的量測 ------------------------------------------21
3.8 電弧爐的動態測量 ------------------------------------------24
3.9 6-pulse和12-pulse整流電路諧波分析 ---------------29

第四章 諧波改善方法 ----------------------------------------------36
4.1主動濾波器 --------------------------------------------------36
4.1-2利用Matlab/Simulink 建立各個主要方塊電路 ---38
4.2被動濾波器 -----------------------------------------------------44
4.2-1單調式被動濾波器簡介 --------------------------------44
4.3被動濾波器設計 48

第五章 模擬與分析 ---------------------------------------------------------52
5.1利用Matlab/Simulink模擬鋼鐵廠的電力系統 ------------52
5.2電弧爐模型的測量 ----------------------------------59
5.3主動濾波器裝在電弧爐與軋鋼迴路 ------- --------------60
5.4被動濾波器裝在電弧爐與軋鋼迴路 ------------------66
5.5成本比較 ------------------------------------------------82
5.5-1計算主動濾波器補償電流價格 ----------------------82
5.5-3計算電容器價格(被動濾波器在負載側) ---------84
5.5-5計算電感器價格(被動濾波器在負載側) ----------86
第六章 結論與未來研究方向 ---------------------------------------------88
6.1 結論 -------------------------------------------------------------88
6.2 未來研究方向 ------------------------------------------------88
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