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研究生(外文):Ming-Zhang Yang
論文名稱(外文):A Development Tool for Case-Based Reasoning Systems
指導教授(外文):Alan Liu
外文關鍵詞:case-based reasoning system、semantic similarity
  • 被引用被引用:4
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The case-based reasoning (CBR) systems apply every field to extensive application at present. but develop the CBR system need a long time to design and plan, so we hope to develop a system and help developers to design the CBR system, make developers can save system to develop period, and because our system is the object-oriented structure, so developer can easy modification original CBR system become new field, this makes our system can be utilized in different field by the repeated one. and system of us use data binding of XML to form technology is it help information of CBR system to structured, and change the information of the case into a file of XML, it is field changing the CBR system and case structure to enable developers to revise XML file. We use WordNet and semantic similarity research which helps CBR system to semantic comparison, and direct different data type of case attribute to offer different similar degree of comparative methods. Finally we utilize an example of eating Pizza to our system of practical operation comes.
第一章 導論 1
第二章 相關背景知識 3
2.1 jCOLIBRI之概念研究 3
2.2 語意相似度研究 5
2.3 小結 9
第三章 研究方法 10
3.1 研究動機 10
3.2 案例擷取方法 10
3.2.1 縮短相似度測量時間方法 10
3.3 相似度測量 12
3.3.1 物件相似度比較函式 13
3.3.2 間距相似度比較函式 14
3.3.3 字串相似度比較函式 14
3.3.4 語意相似度比較函式 15
3.4 案例適應方法 16
3.5 XML在系統中的運用 18
3.5.1 Case Structure 19
3.5.2 Case Base 20
3.5.3 Connector 20
第四章 實作 24
4.1 系統架構 24
4.1.1 CBR Frames Generation 24
4.1.2 CBR Core 25
4.2. 分析與設計 27
4.2.1 UML 說明 27
4.2.2 外部工具說明 33
4.3 實作結果 34
4.3.1 案例式推理系統開發工具操作流程 34
4.3.2 案例式推理系統操作流程 37
4.3.3 Eat Pizza 實例 38
4.4 系統比較 42
第五章 結論與未來展望 45
附錄A 46
A.1 案例式推理 46
A.1.1 案例式推理之運作過程 46
A.1.2 案例描述 48
A.1.3 案例擷取 48
A.1.4 案例適應 49
A.1.5 案例維護 53
附錄B 54
B.1 XML的技術研究 54
B.1.1 XML Document Type Definition 55
B.1.2 XML Schema 55
B.1.3 Data Binding 55
B.2 XML Schema定義 56
附錄C 61
參考文獻 62
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