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研究生(外文):Lzu-wei Li
論文名稱(外文):Priority Aware Congestion Control for the Gateway in Wireless Mesh Network
指導教授(外文):Yuan-sun Chu
外文關鍵詞:congestion problemdifferent priority service
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Wireless mesh networks (WMN) are the alternative technology for last-mile wireless broadband Internet access. The meshed network topology provides good reliability, market coverage, scalability, as well as low upfront investments. The networks are similar to multi-hop ad hoc networks that nodes need to contend channel with different media with their neighbors. Although wireless mesh network has well scalability, more mesh nodes may transmit packets to same relay node or gateway. This situation may cause congestion problem and decrease more throughput. In our networking environment different media service is needed. The key concept we introduce to solve this problem with transmission by turns. In this thesis, we study the performance of IEEE 802.11 MAC layer protocol in multi-hop networks and show that throughput of more nodes in the wireless mesh network may cause congestion problem. We propose a CS-DCF mechanism to solve congestion problem. Eventually we provide different priority of multi-medias service in CS-DCF. We can increase more throughput with CS-DCF mechanism
Chapter 1: Overview
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Desired Approach
1.3 Organization of Thesis
Chapter 2: Background
2.1Wireless Mesh Network Overview
2.1.1Wireless Mesh Network Architecture
2.1.2 Critical Factors of Network Performance
2.1.3 Related key technologies
2.2 MAC protocols for Wireless Mesh Networks
2.3 Related key technologies
2.3.1 Serious congestion in relay node or gateway
2.3.2 Why cause congestion problem in wireless mesh
2.4 MAC Layer QoS Study
Chapter 3: Using new mechanism to solve the congestion problem
3.1 CSMA/CA protocol description
3.2 CS-DCF mechanism
Chapter 4: The multi-media are used in wireless mesh network
4.1 EDCA mechanism
4.2 Adding priority in CS-DCF mechanism
Chapter 5: simulation
5.1 Simulation Environment
5.2 Performance Metrics
5.3 topology of simulation
5.4 Result of adding CS-DCF mechanism
5.5 Result with priority
Chapter 6: conclusion
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