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研究生(外文):Heng-Chou Chen
論文名稱(外文):Learning Methodology for Adaptive Filter Design
指導教授(外文):Oscal T.-C. Chen
外文關鍵詞:step sizeparticle swarm optimizationcomputational complexityconvergence rateleast mean square algorithm
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最少均方演算法(Least Mean Square algorithm, LMS)由於具有簡單的運算結構與數值計算穩定的特質,使得它在近年來廣泛地被應用在各種含有可調適數位濾波器的場合。然而,以聲學迴音消除的應用為例,其輸入信號為具有高關聯度的語音信號,此導致可調適濾波器收斂緩慢而不符規格需求;因此,本文針對上述的問題進行研究,探討六種提升LMS演算法收斂速度的改善技巧。同時,為了提升收斂速度而導致計算量增加的問題,亦訂為研究工作的重點方向,總共探討了三種精簡計算量的架構。另外,在決定演算法的相關參數方面,如LMS演算法中的調整步階,則引入粒子群優(Particle Swarm Optimization, PSO)的最佳化技術,建構一具可變調整步階(variable step size)的LMS演算法。上述的研究工作除了基本的理論探討外,也包含相關應用例的電腦模擬結果來證實這些技巧的可用性。
The least mean square (LMS) algorithm has been received much attention in recent years due to its attractive properties of the simple configuration and numerical stability. However, the adaptive finite impulse response (FIR) filter using the LMS algorithm has a slow convergence rate when high correlative signals are utilized for training, for example, on the application of the acoustic echo cancellation. Accordingly, this work explores the enhancing schemes or modified version of the LMS algorithm with respect to the convergence rate and computational complexity. Total six schemes are proposed to speed up the convergence rate of the adaptive filter using the LMS algorithm. In the meanwhile, based on the viewpoint of reducing the computational complexity of the LMS algorithm, additional three schemes are studied and provided to achieve the goal. Furthermore, this work also investigates the schemes of evolutionary optimization at the attempt of dynamically adjusting the parameters of the LMS algorithm such as the step size, where the genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization are involved. All the proposed schemes are discussed in the related sections and go along with computer simulation to validate their feasibilities on the various applications.
1 Introduction
2 Improvement of the convergence rate
2.1 Quasi-orthogonal initialization
2.1.1 Optimized Learning Vectors Of NLMS Algorithm
2.1.2 The Quasi-orthonormal Initialization Scheme
2.1.3 Computer Simulations
2.2 Predictive Updating of the Filter Coefficients
2.2.1 Conventionally Repetitive Update Scheme
2.2.2 The Proposed Predictive Update Scheme
2.2.3 Computer Simulations
2.2.4 Summary
2.3 Chaotic Transform Based Modeling for the Active Noise Cancellation
2.3.1 Chaotic Transformation
2.3.2 Secondary Path Modeling
2.3.3 Determining the Tap Number
2.3.4 Noise Cancellation
2.3.5 Summary
2.4 Unified distribution scheme
2.4.1 DC Offset and Dynamic Range Effects of the LMS Algorithm
2.4.2 Modifying the Dynamic Range of Impulse Response of an Unknown System
2.4.3 Computer Simulations
2.5 Data-reusing NLMS Algorithm with Adaptive Updating Times
2.5.1 The Proposed Adaptive Data-reusing Scheme
2.5.2 Computer Simulations
2.5.3 Summary
2.6 Variable Step Size NLMS Algorithm using the Particle Swarm Optimization
2.6.1 Particle Swarm Optimization
2.6.2 Acoustic Echo Cancellation
2.6.3 Summary
3 Reduction of the Computational Complexities
3.1 Fast Data-reusing Normalized Least Mean Squared Algorithm
3.1.1 Fast Data-reusing Normalized Least Mean Square
3.1.2 Analysis of FDRNLMS Convergence Performance Convergence Rate Steady-state Errors Number of Reusing Times in the Steady State Variance Effect of an Input Signal Vector
3.1.3 Computer Simulations Convergence Rate Steady-state Error Effects of Input Signal Vectors’ Variances Acoustic Echo Cancellation
3.1.4 Summary
3.2 Affine Projection Algorithm with Adaptive Projection Dimensions
3.2.1 Affine Projection Algorithms The Conventional Affine Projection Algorithm Fast Affine Projection Algorithms Impact of Projection Dimension, M
3.2.2 The Adaptive Projection Dimension Scheme
3.2.3 Proposed Algorithm Applied in AEC
3.2.4 Summary
3.3 Population Fitness Probability for Effectively Terminating Evolution Operations of a Genetic Algorithm
3.3.1 Probability of Population Fitness
3.3.2 Computer Simulations
3.3.3 Summary
4 Modified Particle Swarm Optimizations and Its Applications
4.1 Particle Swarm Optimization incorporating a Preferential Velocity-Updating Mechanism
4.1.1 Particle Swarm Optimization Incorporating a Preferential Velocity-updating Mechanism
4.1.2 Simulation Results Comparison of DPVU-PSO and CPVU-PSO with Self-evolving PSOs Comparison of DPVU-PSO and CPVU-PSO with Cross-evolving PSOs
4.1.3 Applications in Digital Filter Design via the Proposed LDPSO Parameter Identification of IIR filter Identification of the Room Response in Acoustic Echo Cancellation
4.1.4 Summary
4.2 Particle Swarm Optimization Incorporating Decomposed Objective Functions
4.2.1 Particle Swarm Optimization with Decomposed Objective Functions (PSO-DOF)
4.2.2 Optimization of the Equivalent Circuit for a CPW-fed Monopole Antenna
4.2.3 Summary
5 Conclusion
Appendix A
Appendix B
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