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研究生(外文):Hong-ming Lin
論文名稱(外文):Hypernyms and Hyponyms in Discourse
指導教授(外文):Jung-hsing Chang
外文關鍵詞:noun phrasediscourse functiondiscourse anaphorahyponymhypernym
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第一個主要議題是探討在「下位詞…上位詞」回指型態中,與上位詞共同出現在名詞組裡頭的指示詞、量詞、形容詞和上位詞本身與篇章的關聯性。就指示詞與篇章的關聯性而言,我們認為指示詞的使用牽涉到認知上的「指涉範圍」(referential domain)概念,因此不同的指示詞意味說話者以不同的認知範圍立場來看所指物,由此便會進一步影響篇章意義。就量詞與篇章的關聯性而言,我們認為不同類別的量詞會反映出說話者在認知上是如何看待被計量的事物以及透露出他所想要傳達的訊息,由此便能看出量詞對篇章意義的影響。就形容詞與篇章的關聯性而言,我們認為帶有指示詞等成份的名詞組其中的形容詞具有解釋、對比、總結、呼應和鋪陳下文等篇章弁遄A因此形容詞的出現與否和篇章的整體意義有很密切的關係。就上位詞與篇章的關聯性而言,透過詞彙階層架構以及相關的認知和語用概念,我們闡釋了說話者使用上位詞的特殊用意以及它和篇章意義之間的關聯性。
第二個主要議題是比較「上位詞…下位詞」與「下位詞…上位詞」這兩種回指型態的不同。就篇章弁鄏茖央A前者的弁酮O說明、解釋、支持和證明,而後者則是概括、統合、歸納和分類。就背後的認知機制而言,前者是「拉進放大」(zoom in),而後者是「拉遠縮小」(zoom out)。就篇章理解的啟示而言,前者是從「整體」的背景架構轉移至架構裡的個別「部分」概念。而後者則是從個別的「部分」概念背後浮現出一個涵輒o些「部分」概念的「整體」架構。
In Mandarin Chinese discourse, hypernyms and hyponyms (e.g. flowers and roses) display two different distribution patterns. One is "hyponym…hypernym," such as "yi duo meiguihua…zhe duo meili de hua" (a rose…this beautiful flower). The other is "hypernym…hyponym," such as "hen duo zhong hua…liru meiguihua han baihehua' (many kinds of flowers…for example roses and lilies). This thesis aims to study two major issues regarding the aforementioned patterns with a cognitive approach.
In the first pattern, the hypernym frequently co-occurs with demonstratives, measure words, and adjectives in the demonstrative noun phrases. This motivates us to further investigate our first major issue, which is how these different elements in the demonstrative NP interact with discourse. First , for the relation between demonstratives (e.g. zhe, na) and discourse, we argue that the use of demonstratives involve the concept of referential domain. Zhe indicates that the speaker thinks he and the referent are both in the same referential domain, whereas na indicates both aren't in the same domain. Therefore, different demonstratives cognitively reflect speakers’ different perspectives toward the referents and consequently lead to different discourse meanings.
Second, for measure words (e.g. duo, zhong) and discourse, we argue that different kinds of measure words not only convey different messages, but also cognitively reflect how things are measured from speakers various perspectives. This directly influences the meaning of discourse. Third, for adjectives and discourse, we argue that the adjective in the demonstrative NP functions as explanation, comparison, encapsulation, correspondence, and direction. These functions are closely related to the coherence of discourse. Last, for hypernyms and discourse, we show how different hypernyms cognitively and pragmatically affect the interpretation of discourse.
Our second major issue is to contrast two patterns in three aspects—discourse function, cognitive motivation and implication for discourse comprehension. For the first aspect, we argue that the "hyponym…hypernym" pattern has the discourse functions of encapsulation and categorization, whereas the "hypernym…hyponym" pattern functions as instantiation and clarification. To account for the last two aspects, we apply cognitive concepts such as "zoom in," "zoom out," and "part-whole relation."
中文摘要....... i
英文摘要....... ii
目次.... ii i
表目次.... v
圖目次 v i
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 上下位詞的篇章弁?3
1.3 研究議題 4
1.4 語料來源 7
1.5 論文架構 7

第二章 名詞組中的指示詞與篇章的關聯性 8
2.1 前言 8
2.2 漢語指示詞「這」、「那」的文獻探討 11
2.2.1 指示的弁?11
2.2.2 指代的弁?12
2.3 「這」和「那」的認知概念 14
2.3.1 「這」和「那」在空間層面上的對比 18
2.3.2 「這」和「那」在時間層面上的對比 22
2.3.3 「這」和「那」在心理層面上的對比 27
2.3.4 小結 32
2.4 指示詞的選擇對於篇章意義的影響 34
2.5 結論 42

第三章 名詞組中的量詞、形容詞和上位詞與篇章的關聯性 44
3.1 前言 44
3.2 名詞組中的量詞與篇章的關聯性 45
3.2.1 引言 45
3.2.2 漢語量詞的分類情形 47
3.2.3 名詞組中的量詞與篇章的關聯性 51
3.2.4 小結 61
3.3 名詞組中的形容詞與篇章的關聯性 62
3.3.1 引言 62
3.3.2 形容詞的意義和弁鄐坐暰m探討 64
3.3.3 名詞組中的形容詞與篇章意義的關聯性 66
3.3.4 小結 75
3.4 名詞組中的上位詞與篇章的關聯性 76
3.4.1 引言 76
3.4.2 上位詞與篇章意義的關聯性 77
3.4.3 小結 83
3.5 結論 84

第四章 「上位詞…下位詞」與「下位詞…上位詞」回指型態對比 85
4.1 前言 85
4.2 兩種回指型態的篇章弁鉆鴾?86
4.2.1 「綱要-實例」概念 86
4.2.2 「上位詞…下位詞」的篇章弁?88
4.2.3 「下位詞…上位詞」的篇章弁?91
4.2.4 小結 96
4.3 兩種回指型態的認知機制與篇章理解對比 98
4.3.1 注意焦點與部份-整體概念 98
4.3.2 「上位詞…下位詞」的認知機制及篇章理解的啟示 100
4.3.3 「下位詞…上位詞」的認知機制及篇章理解的啟示 107
4.3.4 小結 113
4.4 結論 114

第五章 結論 116
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