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研究生(外文):Mei-Ling Lin
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Integrating Computer Technology into a Preparation Program for EFL Pre-junior High School Students
指導教授(外文):Yuh-Mei Chen
外文關鍵詞:EFL Pre-junior High School Studentsa Preparation ProgramIntegrating Computer Technology
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Since the implementation of the Grade 1-9 Curriculum in 2001, English education is obligatory in every elementary school. Classroom practices at this level tend to focus on speaking and listening so that students are often found having problems in literacy learning when they move up to the junior high level. The gap of students’ competence between the two levels is drawing the attention of practitioners concerned. A preparation program has been recommended to bridge the gap and facilitate students’ learning at the start of a new educational level.
This study intended to investigate a preparation program for students who were on the threshold of studying English in junior high school. The program lasted five weeks during the summer break and it integrated technology into classroom learning and utilized the content of a phonics website as the learning material. The classes met five days a week, forty-five minutes a day, and were conducted in an English multimedia classroom. In this study, students were asked to practice the phonics exercises of the website and record assigned songs and decodable books. The participants were seventy-three students who just entered a junior high school in Chia-yi County. The data was collected from pre-and-post tests, questionnaires, class progress tests, students’ recordings and interviews.
Results of the study revealed: (1) Students performed better on the post-test. (2) 82% of the students could red out loud the assigned decodable books. They performed best on the alphabetic songs, consonants and the stories with short vowels, while the most challenging were the stories with r-blend and long vowel words. (3) Most of them liked to learn through the Internet and computers and had a positive attitude towards learning with the phonics website, and furthermore they felt confident and noted their progress after practicing on the web regularly.
CHINESE ABSTRACT………………………………………………………….........ii
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION…………..…………………………………1
Background of the Study………………………………………………………...1
Motivation of the Study…………………………………………………………4
Purpose of the Study……………………………………………………………7
Significance of the Study………………………………………………………8
Definition of Terms...……………………………………………………………8
The Background of the Preparation Program…..………………………………12
Grade 1-9 Curriculum and English Education in Taiwan……………..13
Research about Preparation Program in Taiwan……………………...16
English Competence Assessment ……………………………………...19
Definitions of Phonics………….………………………………………...23
Phonics Instruction……………….………………………………………24
Timing for Phonics Instruction……………………...……………………27
Phonological and Phonemic Awareness………………….………………29
Phonics for EFL Learners in Taiwan………….………….………………32
Phonics Instruction in the EFL Elementary Schools……………………..33
Phonics Instruction in the EFL Junior High Schools…………………….34
Recording (Running Record)…………………………………...………..38
Computer Technology and English Learning…………………………………40
Phonics Instruction and technology...……………………………………41
Phonics and Computer-assisted Learning in Taiwan…..…………………43
Research Design………………………………………………………………48
Before the Program………………………………………………………48
During the Program………………………………………………………49
After the Program……...…………………………………………………49
Teaching Materials………….……………………………………………49
Classroom Setting..………………………………………………………52
Instruction Design..………………………………………………………53
Grouping the Participants...………………………………………………58
Data Collection……………………………………………………………….60
Data Analysis……………….…………………………………………………68
Comparison of the Pre-and Post-Tests.. ……………………….………………69
Students’ Recordings………………..... ……………………….………………73
Questionnaire I…..……………………………………………………………..77
Questionnaire II………………………………………………………………...78
Students' Interviews……………………….……………………………………82
Interview with High Achievers…………………………………………83
Interview with Low Achievers…………………………………………88
Pedagogical Implications……………………………………………………103
1. Pre-test…………………………………………………………………………..116
2. Post-test……………..…………………………….…………………………121
3. Questionnaire I (English)………………………………………………………..127
4. Questionnaire I (Mandarin)……………………………………………………..128
5. Questionnaire II (English)…………………………………………………….129
6. Questionnaire II (Mandarin)...……………………………………………...…..130
7. Interview Questions……………………………………………………………..131
8. Listen-and-spell tests……..………………………………………………….132
9. Letters from the Starfall host……………………………………………...…..133
10. The 13 Alphabet Songs……………………………………………………...…..134
11. Individual Participant’s Scores on the Pre-and-Post Test……………………….136
12. Competence Indicators of Elementary English Learning…………...…………..137


Table 2.1 The Contents of the English Assessment of Six Graders ……………….20
Table 3.1 The Content of the Teaching Materials…………………………….……50
Table 3.2 Procedures of an English Class…………………………………..…….54
Table 3.3 Procedures of the Preparation Program….………………………………55
Table 3.4 The Interactive On-line Phonics Games…………………………..…...56
Table 3.5 Students’ Technology Training…………………. ………………………58
Table 3.6 Procedures of Data Collection………………. ……..…………………62
Table 3.7 Formats of the Four Tests…..……………………………………………63
Table 3.8 The Items of Pre-and-Post Tests…………………………………………64
Table3.9 Listen and Spell tests………………….…………………….…………65
Table3.10 The Recording Tasks….………………………………………………..66
Table 4.1 Paired t-test Results of Pre-and-post Test…………………………..……70
Table 4.2 Comparison of Correct Rate in Pre-and-Post Tests………………..……70
Table 4.3 Results of the Alphabet and Consonants in the Interim Test……..……72
Table 4.4 Results of the Listen and Spell tests……………………………..……72
Table 4.5 Evaluation of the Recording Assignment…………………………..……75
Table 4.6 Two Teachers’ Evaluations of Ten Students’ Recordings…………..……76
Table 4.7 Students’ Learning Background Information…………..…………..……77
Table 4.8 Students’ Perceptions of Learning through the Program…….……..……78
Table 4.9 Students’ Likes about the Program……………………..…………..……79
Table 4.10 Students’ Perceptions of the Phonics Website and Technology..…..……80
Table 4.11 Students’ Perceptions of the Recording Assignments…………..…..……81

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