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研究生(外文):Ling-hui Yang
論文名稱(外文):Probabilistic Approximation Method With Statistical Applications
外文關鍵詞:nonparametric density estimationnonparametric regressionbandwidth selectionsmoothing parameterlocal linear fittingkernel regressionkernel estimators
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Many different methods have been proposed to construct nonparametric estimates of a smooth regression function and a density function. In this paper an improved method for nonparametric estimation is proposed. It is based on the exact equality for the regular function, which is an extended version of Kao (2004). The main goal of this article is to develop the above equality for nonparametric estimation of functions. According the Law of Large Numbers, the new estimator can be reduced as a kernel estimator. We apply the idea of bandwidth selection solve-the-equation rule to the new estimator and compared with kernel density estimator. Our results are applicable to nonparametric regression. A comparison of the local linear regression method and the proposed method with the same bandwidth selection rule as obtained from direct plug-in methodology described by Ruppert, Sheather, and Wand (1995) is also given in the simulations. It is shown that the new estimators should be particularly useful in some situations asymptotically. The idea given in this work is particularly useful for accurate extrapolation in regression and density estimations.
1. Introduction
2. Nonparametric Density Estimation
2.1 Survey of Existing Methods
2.2 Estimation
2.3 Properties of the New Estimate
2.4 Bandwidth Selection
2.5 Simulations
3. Nonparametric Regression
3.1 Survey of Existing Methods
2.2 Estimation
2.3 Properties of the New Estimate
2.4 Some Bandwidth Selection Rules
2.5 Simulations
4. Conclusion
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