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研究生(外文):Ko-fu Liu
論文名稱(外文):FPGA-Based NURBS Interpolator with Look-ahead Function
指導教授(外文):H. T. Yau
外文關鍵詞:FPGAInterpolator with look-ahead function
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本研究在FPGA-Based插補器架構下,為了提升插補器精度,且使得工具機在更穩定的高速加工環境下運作,故加入「預視弁遄v及「速度規劃」等機制,整合出FPGA Plus (FPGA+PC) NURBS即時預視插補系統架構,以便大幅降低FPGA的資源使用度。
為了驗證系統可行性,本文以XSA公司的Spartan-III XC3S1000 FPGA發展版實現,結合PC與RTX即時作業系統,另搭配FPGA-Based PID伺服控制器在伺服平台進行實作並分析實際結果,證明此ㄧ系統架構的完備性。
To enhance the precision of an interpolator and to enable a machine tool to work with high speed in a more steady processing environment , “look-ahead function” and “feed-rate profile” are added to make FPGA Plus (FPGA+PC) NURBS interpolator under the integrated PC and FPGA to improve the efficiency of FPGA resource usage.
In addition, this thesis also claims that the PC deals with the operation ability of complicated mathematics and the strength of FPGA parallel processing are combined to enhance the overall efficiency of processing. Such a proposal enables one to have a more detailed and precise explanation on the processed curving path. Through the communicative mechanism of Handshake, the rough parameters of curve from the results of the planned PC look-ahead on real time are transferred to FPGA to perform a more detailed parallel operation of processing. Then, by means of FPGA-Based motion controller, the interpolator command derived from detail interpolator will be exported to complete the processed of curving path.
Last, this thesis bases mainly on the Spartan-III XC3S1000 FPGA developed board to test the probability of whole system mentioned earlier. An experiment in which the combined operations of the PC and RTX real operating systems along with the FPGA-Based PID servo-controller will be conducted. Also, a real analysis of the results will be given to support the proposal that argues the completeness of the aforementioned system.
誌謝 i
中文摘要 iii
英文摘要 i
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
1.3 文獻回顧 3
1.4 研究方法與系統描述 4
1.5 論文架構 8
第二章 FPGA之架構與設計 9
2.1 數位系統電路簡介 9
2.2 FPGA數位電路設計流程 10
2.3 FPGA硬體架構介紹 14
2.4 Verilog硬體描述語言 20
第三章 參數式曲線插補 22
3.1 NURBS曲線/曲面數學模型 22
3.2 Cox-de Boor演算法 25
3.3 NURBS曲線與傳統CAD曲線幾何特性之比較 28
3.4 NURBS插補器之速度規劃及預視弁鈮妣z 29
第四章 NURBS預視插補系統實現 33
4.1 PC端粗插補規劃 33
4.1.1 預視弁?33
4.1.2 速度規劃 35
4.2 通訊機制 39
4.2.1 RTX子作業系統之介紹 41
4.2.2 PC與FPGA交握傳輸協定 43
4.3 FPGA-Based NURBS預視插補器實現 45
4.3.1 FPGA插補器系統架構 46
4.3.2 暫存器模組 48
4.3.3 FPGA細插補模組 49
4.3.4 Span模組 52
4.3.5 有效控制點模組 53
4.3.6 乘法器模組 55
4.3.7 除法器模組 56
4.3.8 FIFO模組 58
第五章 系統整合與實驗結果 60
5.1 FPGA-Based運動控制系統 60
5.2 硬體電路系統整合 63
5.2.1 FPGA實驗發展板 65
5.2.2 數位類比轉換電路 66
5.3 模擬與實驗結果比較 69
第六章 結論與未來展望 79
參考文獻 80
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