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研究生(外文):Wen-Chi Tsai
論文名稱(外文):The Research of University-Linked Retirement Communities in the United States
指導教授(外文):Fu-Shuen Huang
外文關鍵詞:elderretirement community
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一、 對我國政府的啟示
(一) 政府致力發展安養結合學習的新退休觀念
(二) 在政策上鼓勵大學開辦高齡教育活動
(三) 鼓勵老人住宅及退休社區自行辦理學習活動,開拓高齡者學習機會
二、 對我國大學的啟示
(一) 高等教育機構為高齡者開放
(二) 大學與退休社區的結合,開拓大學新的發展契機
(三) 大學成立高齡學習中心
(四) 大學應致力於加強與校友間的關係,以利於開拓資源
(五) 加強校內對高齡社會來臨的共識,以及採取因應的策略
(六) 加強高齡相關領域的研究與專業人才的培育
三、 對我國退休社區發展的啟示
(一) 調整退休社區的經營,將安養與學習作結合
(二) 退休社區應提供更多元的服務,以滿足高齡者更多的需求
(三) 退休社區的開發應尋求與大學建立連結關係
(四) 退休社區宜結合社會福利、醫療及教育體系的資源
(五) 退休社區內設管理高齡學習活動的單位及專業人員
四、 對我國高齡者的啟示
(一) 選擇與大學有連結關係的退休社區為安養之場所
(二) 高齡者參與學習有助於促進身心健康
(三) 高齡者成立自助的社群,自行發展學習活動,提供學習的機會
(四) 參與代間交流活動,找尋生命意義
The theme of the research is to explore University-Linked Retirement Communities (ULRCs) in the United States. The documentary analysis method is mainly adopted. The documents had been collected from 1982 to May of 2006 included the relative documents, books, reports, editorials, and websites in University-Linked Retirement Communities in the United States. By reading and arranging them, the researcher tried to discuss the origin, the development, model, role, relationship, and learning activities of University-Linked Retirement Communities in the United States. After the discussion of the above, the researcher generalized the features from it and provided some recommendations for the elders’ education in Taiwan.
The research about University-Linked Retirement Communities in the United States can generalize into fourteen features as below:
1.Linking model conformity university and retirement communities ;
2.To pour vigor into retirement communities;
3.Enhancing the image and prestige of retirement communities;
4.To promote retirement communities multiplication development;
5.Linking model combine age-segregation with age-integration;
6.Develops the new resources for the university;
7.Providing the university to create the new way of university duty and mission;
8.Linking model strengthening the relation of school and communities, and it can remove the misunderstanding between the school and society;
9.To increase study opportunity for older people;
10.To create a multi-generation environment for the older people;
11.To promote the elders mental health, and satisfies the elders influence and the contribution demand;
12.Make the elders keep the contact with their old school, and strengthening older people link with local school;
13.Satisfying the demand of elder aging in the place;
14.To provide the elders the new development approach after retirement.

Besides, the researcher analyzed the implement of University-Linked Retirement Communities in the United States, then pointed out the dilemma and blind spots of it, and finally provided the elders’ educational institutes with four aspects recommendations as following:
1.The government lacks the norms of support and legislation of ULRCs;
2.Some universities lack for linking common view to what has been handled the university and retirement communities insufficiently;
3.It is difficult to finance for building up retirement communities;
4.The ULRCs is restricted by the entrance condition to cause its service object is limited;
5.The university and retirement communities' leader lack for common view;
6.The government lacks for setting the mechanism of rewards and comments.
At last, the research of University-Linked Retirement Communities in the United States provides our country four aspects recommendations as below:
I.ULRCs to government's enlightenment
1.The government should make great efforts to develop the new retirement idea of caring link learning;
2.Encouraging the university to held the elders educational activities on the policy;
3.Encouraging older living house and retirement community to held learning activities by themselves, and increasing the elder learning opportunities.
II.ULRCs to university/college's enlightenment
1.The higher educational institution opens for the elder;
2.The combination of universities/colleges and retirement communities open the new development opportunity for the university;
3.The universities/colleges should establish senior learning center;
4.The universities/colleges should be devoted to strengthening the relationship among the alumni is beneficial to opening up resources;
5.The universities/colleges should strengthen the common view in school to face the coming of aging population society and adopt in accordance to strategy;
6.To enhance the elders correlation domain research and cultivate professional personnel.

III.ULRCs to Retirement Communities’ enlightenment
1.To adjust the management of the retirement communities, and combine care with learn.
2.The retirement communities should offer a variety of service to meets more demands of the elder.
3.The development of retirement communities should seek to establish the linking relationship with the university.
4.The retirement communities should combine the resources of social welfare, medical treatment and education system.
5.The retirement communities set up the unit and professional personnel to manage elder learning activities.
IV.ULRCs to the elders’ enlightenment
1.To choose the retirement communities which have linked relationship with the universities/colleges to be a raising place.
2.The elders participate in learning activities contribute to promote physical and mental healthy.
3.The elders establish self-service social group to develop the learning activity voluntarily and provides the learning opportunities.
4.The elders should participate in generation activities to look for the life meaning.
第一章 緒論......................................... 1
第一節 研究背景與重要性............................. 2
第二節 研究動機與目的............................... 5
第三節 研究方法與步驟............................... 8
第四節 名詞釋義..................................... 11
第五節 研究範圍與限制............................... 13
第二章 美國大學連結退休社區之緣起、發展與模式....... 15
第一節 美國大學連結退休社區之緣起................... 15
第二節 美國大學連結退休社區之發展................... 22
第三節 美國大學連結退休社區之模式................... 28
第三章 美國大學連結退休社區之實施................... 33
第一節 大學與連結退休社區之角色及關係............... 33
第二節 美國大學連結退休社區之實施概況............... 46
第三節 美國大學連結退休社區學習活動之提供........... 55
第四章 美國大學連結退休社區之特色、問題與省思....... 60
第一節 美國大學連結退休社區之特色................... 60
第二節 美國大學連結退休社區之問題與省思............. 70
第三節 美國大學連結退休社區對我國高齡教育之啟示..... 74
參考文獻.............................................. 88
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