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研究生(外文):Szu-yu Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Application Study of Scenario Approach in Interdisciplinary Concept Development- The Children Stander Design
指導教授(外文):Yu-Chao LiangWen-Ko Chiou
外文關鍵詞:InterdisciplinaryConceptual Development ProcessScenarioAssistive technology
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Recently, many companies have been trying to use the way of interdisciplinary teamwork as to look for creative strategies or concepts, especially in creative industries, such as, marketing, architecture, or product design. These types of industries have tried using various ways to proceed making creative user products, such as, assistive technology products, which require different types of professional expertise. We must realize our goal of creativity, as well as, reaching the basic foundation and secure standard.
In the past, there are many study materials about interdisciplinary. However, most of them focus on the field of informatics and team management, while few concentrate on design theory. According to the previously mentioned, this main research is to investigate the design of interdisciplinary by the example of assistive technology. This research has tried to use the view of industry design and understand the users need by presenting scenarios that show interdisciplinary team work and team members integrating their design comments. At last, we suggest interdisciplinary teamwork to be brought into user-centered design
To reach the goal of our research, this study has been separated in two steps. First, in looking at the specialty of assistive technology concerning a child’s stander, which has various users, we used it as a main example of our development. In our experiment, we observed to collect records about the child’s stander, as well as, interviewed with the users of the product. In the second step, the interdisciplinary teamwork experiment develops concepts which combine with scenario. Lastly, we analyze the results of the experiment. Through the observation of product design experiment, we use the content analysis of colloquial language to investigate the process and development of user’s need, and the focus communication of cross- territory.
The research reveals that the user-oriented scenario suits to be used in assistive technology. Interdisciplinary teams practice differently because of the vary disposition of members’ organization and contents of information sharing. In addition, the background of industry design is beneficial to the work of scenario, but between the proceeding ways of scenario and professional problems solving existed some conflicts. In the aspect and effect of scenario, interdisciplinary members can have deeper understanding and investigation for the users’ need by the situational construction. As for the suggestion of oncoming development of cross-territory interdisciplinary, there should be more multi-professional, knowledgeable and concept visualization members. On the other hand, members should adequately comprehend the rules of scenario, the limits of the process of concept development and put even more emphasis on the cooperation of teamwork as to improve the effect of interdisciplinary scenario.
摘要 iii
目錄 vii
圖目錄 x
表目錄 xi
表目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 12
1.1 研究背景與動機 12
1.1.1輔具設計趨勢 13
1.1.2跨領域合作 14
1.1.3概念發展程序 14
1.1.4情境預想法 15
1.2研究目的 15
1.3研究範圍 15
1.4 研究流程 16
第二章 文獻探討 19
2.1輔具設計 19
2.1.1輔具分類 19
2.1.2輔具與使用者的關係 21
2.2使用者導向設計 22
2.3 跨領域團隊 28
2.3.1跨領域的趨勢 28
2.3.2團隊溝通理論 32
2.4產品概念發展程序 35
2.4.1產品設計程序 35
2.4.2概念發展階段 36
2.5 情境預想法 40
2.5.1 情境預想法的定義 40
2.5.2情境法應用流程 41
2.5.3情境法的分類 42
2.5.4情境法的優缺點 43
2.5.5情境觀察 45
2.6訊息分享分類 46
2.7 小結 48
第三章 研究方法 50
3.1研究命題與架構 51
3.2前置現場觀察 54
3.2.1前測對象 54
3.2.2兒童站立架 55
3.3實驗設計 56
3.3.1實驗對象 58
3.3.2 實驗設備 59
3.3.3實驗內容與流程 60
3.4分析方法 61
3.4.1編碼架構的發展 61
3.4.2小組發展內容過程定序 64
3.4.3逐字稿分析範例 65
3.5 本章小結 68
第四章 研究結果 69
4.1 前測結果 69
4.1.1觀察與訪談結果 69
4.1.2現場使用觀察 71
4.1.3情境的建構有助於使用者導向的概念產出 72
4.2各分組之互動概況 73
4.2.1小組成員口語內容分佈 73
4.2.2分組編碼統計 75
一、使用者中心階段趨勢 75
二、訊息互動趨勢 76
4.3過程訊息引用的現象 77
4.3.1 訊息引用 77
一、 實體資源引用 79
二、 話題的詢問與引用 79
4.4情境預想法之訊息特性 80
4.4.1情境預想互動編碼類型 80
4.4.2三組應用情境預想法之差異 85
4.5團隊整合的現象 86
4.5.1程序規劃 87
4.5.2評估與歸納 87
4.6 各組結果資料彙整 88
4.7小結 91
第五章 討論 92
5.1 現場使用觀察資料直接影響情境預想的發展 92
5.1.1輔具產品依不同使用者產生不同需求特性 92
5.1.2情境的建構有助於使用者導向的概念產出 94
5.2 個體因素影響情境預想的操作 97
5.2.1工業設計師手繪溝通技巧可促進情境預想的進行 97
5.2.2情境法易產生使用者導向的溝通共識 99
5.3團隊因素影響情境預想的效果 102
5.3.1跨領域團隊整合與訊息分享可促進情境預想的執行 102
5.3.2跨領域團隊討論可促進團隊成員在產品開發重視使用者需求 106
5.4小結 109
第六章 結論與建議 112
6.1結論 112
6.1.1輔具概念發展 112
6.1.2 跨領域操作情境法 113
6.2建議 116
6.2.1 後續研究之建議 118
參考文獻 119
中文部份 119
附件 123

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