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研究生(外文):KUAN RUEY-I
論文名稱(外文):A Design Study of Nurse Shoe through Nursing Personnel’s Profession Specificity
外文關鍵詞:profession specificitynursing personnelshoes design
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本研究分為三部份:(1)使用者調查,對象為某教學醫院112位護理人員問卷調查,藉以瞭解其對於鞋具之普遍需求及差異。(2) 護理工作特性與護士鞋關聯訪談,訪談對象由之前問卷中,抽選出24位護理人員,藉以瞭解護理工作、環境和護士鞋間與使用者的相互關係。並提出護士鞋之設計規範,根據此設計規範進行護士鞋設計,與廠商合作打樣。(3)最後,由訪談中篩選出八位不同年資、單位性質及是否具有足部潛在疾病之護理人員,進行護士鞋之測試與評估。
研究結果顯示:(1)不同單位、年資及是否具有足部潛在疾病之護理人員對於護士鞋需求上有顯著差異。(2)由訪談發現,雖然護理人員對於護士鞋需求有程度上之差異,但皆有相同之需求。 (3)護理人員的職業特性及工作型態和護士鞋各個部位之設計是具有相關性的。
Because of nursing personnel’s profession specificity, which requires long periods of walking, standing up, prolonged exposure leads to foot discomfort and injuries. Therefore, shoe comfort is especially important to nursing personnel.
Because the current market lacks shoes specifically designed for nursing personnel, and from the perspective of appearance mainly only color is given consideration but not so much to profession and aesthetics, this research hopes to study and discuss profession specificity, foot comfort, and suitable aesthetics to design nurse shoes and satisfy their profession specificity and work needs with an innovative approach.
This study has three objectives: (1) Develop design concepts for nurse shoes through profession specificity of nursing personnel. (2) Innovatively design work shoes for nursing personnel. (3) Enhance comfort level and aesthetics of these shoes and meet special work needs of nursing personnel.
This study is divided into three parts. (1) User survey. 112 nursing personnel from a teaching hospital were surveyed to understand their common and individual needs of nursing shoes. (2) Interview of nurses to understand the relationship between nurse profession specificity and nurse shoes. The 24 interviewees were screened and picked from the 112 surveyed. Compilation of surveys and results to propose a framework of nurse shoe design, nurse shoe design, and actual shoe production by manufacturer. (3) Finally, screening and picking eight nurses from the 24 interviewed with different seniority, service unit, with and without potential foot diseases to conduct nurse shoe testing and evaluation.
Research results show that: (1) Nurses with different service units, different seniority, and with or without potential foot diseases have drastically different needs for nurse shoes. (2) Through the interviews, it was discovered that although nurses have different needs for nurse shoes, they also have common needs. (3) Nurse profession specificity, work nature, and designing of individual nurse shoe components are all interrelated.
With the above results combined, the proposed design framework of this study can be applied on future nurse shoe design. However, this discussion focuses solely on profession specificity and nurse shoe appearance. Future studies should primarily focus on foot contour, in order to avoid discrepancies between the foot contour and a shoe last.
In addition to subjective considerations when conducting a shoe evaluation, future studies should incorporate foot pressure to conduct objective evaluation certification. The final proposal of this study—“profession specificity shoe design framework”—can be applied when designing other professional shoes.
誌謝 v
中文摘要 vii
Abstract ix
目錄 xi
圖目錄 xiv
表目錄 xv
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 4
1.3 研究步驟 4
1.4 研究範圍 6
第二章 文獻探討 8
2.1 護理人員 8
2.1.1 護理人員職業特性分析 8
2.1.2 護理人員常見疾病 11
2.1.3 足部保健 15
2.2 足部 16
2.2.1 足部生理學 16
2.2.2 足部關節活動 19
2.2.3 步態週期 21
2.2.4 足壓與足部不適之關聯 26
2.3 鞋具探討 28
2.3.1 鞋具組成 29
2.3.2 鞋足關聯 30
2.3.3 專業用鞋之鞋具設計 32
2.4 鞋具評估 34
2.5 文獻小結 35
第三章 研究方法 38
3.1 使用者調查 38
3.1.1 問卷設計 39
3.1.2 問卷受測者 39
3.1.3 變項定義及衡量 40
3.1.4 問卷信效度 41
3.2 護理工作與護士鞋關聯訪談觀察 41
3.2.1 訪談 41
3.2.2 訪談受測者 41
3.3 護士鞋設計規範提出 42
3.4 護士鞋設計概念發展 43
3.5 護士鞋測試與評估 43
3.5.1 鞋具打樣之受測者 43
3.5.2 主觀舒適度評估 43
3.5.3 專家評估 44
第四章 研究結果與討論 45
4.1 使用者問卷調查 45
4.1.1 使用者問卷調查結果與討論 45
4.1.2 使用者調查小結 60
4.2 護士鞋與護理工作關聯調查 61
4.2.1 訪談項目 61
4.2.2 訪談結果與討論 63
4.3 問卷與訪談小結 70
第五章 護士鞋之設計與驗證 75
5.1 護士鞋設計概念草圖發展 75
5.2 護士鞋設計打樣 75
5.3 護士鞋測試與評估 78
5.4 護士鞋評估結果 78
5.4.1 護理人員護士鞋評估 78
5.4.2 專家評估結果 82
5.5 綜合討論 82
5.5.1 護士鞋各個部位評估與討論 83
5.5.2 影響鞋具設計相關因素探討 86
第六章 結論與建議 88
6.1 結論 88
6.2 建議 90
6.3 未來應用 90
參考文獻 92
附錄一 97
附錄二 106
附錄三 108
附錄四 109
附錄五(申請進行中) 110
附錄六 121
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