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研究生(外文):Kai-tse Ti
論文名稱(外文):Preparation and Characterization of mPE/Starch Nanocomposites
指導教授(外文):Fang-Chyou Chiu
外文關鍵詞:Plastic starchPolyethyleneClayNanocompositesMelt blendingCompatibilizerdynamicafter
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本研究嘗試利用批次塑譜儀以熔融混煉法製備聚乙烯(mPE)/澱粉(starch)熱可塑性彈性體合膠。此外,利用可能的相容化劑(mPE-g-MA)及奈米相容化劑(mPE-g-MA/clay)比較合膠兩相介面間之相容性。奈米相容化劑是以改質黏土 (Cloisite 20A)與相容化劑mPE-g-MA以熔融混煉法製備。廣角X光繞射儀及穿透式電子顯微鏡實驗結果顯示,改質黏土以剝層奈米結構均勻分散於基材中,形成奈米複合材料。掃瞄式電子顯微鏡之影像觀察發現,添加塑化澱粉(TPS)更易與相容化劑進行酯化反應,使得分散於聚乙烯基材的塑化澱粉粒徑變小。添加奈米相容化劑之樣品經由熱重分析儀、動態機械分析儀及拉伸實驗結果顯示,熱裂解溫度、儲存模數及抗張強度與楊氏模數,相較於添加相容化劑之樣品皆明顯提升,顯示奈米相容化劑中的改質黏土有助於改善合膠的熱穩定性、剛性及其他機械性質。『吸水』及『生物分解性』實驗結果顯示,隨著樣品中澱粉含量及浸泡於活性污泥時間增加,試片之吸水率及生物分解性皆呈現上升趨勢。
In this study, an attempt to develop the blends of metallocene polyethylene (mPE)/maleic anhydride-grafted mPE (mPE-g-MA)/starch was conducted. In addition, the nanocompatibilizer (mPE-g-MA/clay) prepared with modified montmorillonite (Cloisite 20A) and compatibilizer (mPE-g-MA) through melt blending was employed. The effect of nanocompatibilizer on the properties of the blends was investigated by several techniques. XRD and TEM results confirmed that 20A was dispersed homogeneously and exfoliated in mPE matrix. The scanning electron microscope (SEM) images indicated the population of etched holes was fewer along with finer distribution for nanocomposites. The thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) results showed that thermal stability and storage modulus of mPE/starch blends were improved after adding nanocompatibilizer (mPE-g-MA/clay). Mechanical properties testing indicated the tensile strength and Young’s modulus of mPE/starch blends were improved after adding each of the compatibilizers (mPE-g-MA/clay), and the nanocompatibilizer yielded a higher efficiency. Water absorption content and biodegradation rate of the blends increased with an increase in starch content and an increase of exposuring time in activated sludge.
第1章 緒論 1
第2章 文獻回顧 5
2-1 mPE (Metallocene polyethylene-octene elastomer) 5
2-2 mPE的相關研究 6
2-3 澱粉結構介紹 9
2-4 澱粉糊化(gelatinization) 9
2-5 澱粉合膠 11
2-6 黏土(Clay) 15
2-6-1 種類及構造 15
2-6-2 蒙脫土 16
2-7 高分子/黏土奈米複合材料 17
2-7-1 奈米複合材料的定義 17
2-7-2 形成概論 17
2-7-3 製備 18
2-7-4 黏土分散形態[30, 31] 21
2-7-5 高分子/黏土奈米複合材料之發展近況 22
2-8 混煉機制與原理 31
2-9 生物分解性高分子的定義 34
第3章 實驗部分 36
3-1 材料 36
3-2 儀器設備 38
3-3 實驗步驟與流程 42
3-4 樣品製備 43
3-4-1 材料準備 43
3-4-2 塑化玉米澱粉 (TPS) 43
3-4-3 混煉合膠 44
3-4-4 熔融插層法製備奈米複合材料(Melt intercalation nanocomposites) 45
3-4-5 試片熱壓 46
3-4-6 裁切試片 46
3-5 傅立葉紅外線光譜(FTIR)分析 46
3-6 廣角X光繞射儀(WAXD)觀察 47
3-7 穿透式電子顯微鏡(TEM)黏土分散相型態觀察 48
3-7-1 TEM試片製備 48
3-7-2 TEM黏土分散相觀察 48
3-8 掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM)相形態觀察 48
3-8-1 蝕刻(etched)淬斷面相形態觀察 48
3-9 熱性質分析測試 49
3-9-1 微差掃描熱卡計測試(DSC test) 49
3-9-2 動態機械分析儀測試(DMA test) 50
3-9-3 熱重分析儀測試(TGA test) 51
3-10 機械性質測試 51
3-10-1 拉伸試驗(Tensile test) 51
3-11 吸水性及生分解測試 53
第4章 結果與討論 54
4-1 合膠/奈米複合材料 熔融混煉扭力值結果 54
4-2 合膠 FTIR紅外光譜分析結果 56
4-3 Clay分散性 57
4-3-1 XRD分析 57
4-3-2 TEM分析 59
4-4 合膠/奈米複合材料 SEM相形態分析 60
4-5 合膠/奈米複合材料 熱性質分析 62
4-5-1 DSC測試結果 62
4-5-2 DMA測試結果 65
4-5-3 TGA測試結果 67
4-6 合膠/奈米複合材料 機械性質分析結果 70
4-6-1 添加未塑化澱粉(pristine starch)系統之機械性質分析結果 70
4-6-2 添加塑化澱粉(TPS)之機械性質分析結果 72
4-7 合膠/奈米複合材料吸水性及生物可分解性分析結果 74
4-7-1 吸水性分析 74
4-7-2 生物可分解性分析 75
第5章 結論 76
第6章 參考文獻 80
第7章 Appendix 169
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