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論文名稱(外文):The Design of Balanced Control Structures for Simplified Process with Inert and Recycles
指導教授(外文):Wang. Gow-Bin
外文關鍵詞:InertRecyclesBalanced Structures
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In general, industrial processes usually include recycle loops for the production stream. In 2002, Wu and Yu considered the binary composition system in the simplified process with recycle. By use of steady-state disturbance sensitivity analyses and material balance concepts, the balanced control scheme can effectively eliminate some of the composition control loops. The balanced scheme can also overcome the snowball effect for plants with recycle.
In this work, the design problem of balanced control structures for simplified process with inert and recycles is studied. The snowball effect is unavoidable in this case. The concepts of balanced scheme can be applied to set the control loops of purge flowrate. In this study, the composition loop in recycle stream is first used to cascade the purge flowrate loop. On the other hand, the flowrate ratio control scheme from balanced relationship can also be applied to manipulate the purge flowrate. Simulation results demonstrate the effective performance of the proposed balanced control structures for simplified process with inert and recycles.
摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
目錄 Ⅲ
附圖目錄 Ⅴ
附表目錄 Ⅶ
第一章 序論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 文獻回顧 1
1.3 研究動機 4
1.4 組織章節 5
第二章 迴流系統的特性探討 6
2.1 前言 6
2.2 物質的迴流 6
2.3 能量的整合 8
2.4 迴流效應的影響 10
2.4.1 迴流系統的時間參數影響 11
2.4.2 雪球效應影響 16
第三章 具有迴流系統的簡化製程操控結果探討(Wu和Yu,2002) 24
3.1 前言 24
3.2 具有迴流系統的簡化製程介紹 24
3.3 兩成份簡化製程的控制架構 27
3.4 均衡架構的應用原理 29
3.4.1 針對反應器液位的控制分析 32
3.4.2 不需控制反應器液位的架構(binary-A) 32
3.4.3 用p控制來維持反應器液位的架構(binary-B) 35
3.5 兩成份簡化製程的操控結果 38
第四章 有不純物存在的簡化製程操控結果探討 45
4.1 前言 45
4.2 兩成份含有不純物的製程操控分析 45
4.2.1 含有purge的控制概念 46
4.2.2 製程的經濟效應探討 47
4.2.3 含有不純物的簡化製程穩態條件選擇 49
4.3 含不純物的簡化製程控制架構設計 51
4.3.1 迴流組成串級purge流量控制的架構探討 51
4.3.2 均衡關係控制purge流量的架構探討 52
4.4 含不純物的簡化製程控制結果分析比較 55
第五章 結論與未來方向 73
參考文獻 74
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