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研究生(外文):Hsin-Tin Yeh
論文名稱(外文):Separation of greenhouse gases using poly(dimethyl siloxane) nanocomposite membranes
指導教授(外文):Shingjiang Jessie Lue
外文關鍵詞:greenhouse gasesgases separationPDMS nanocomposite membranes
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本研究採用聚二甲基矽膠薄膜(polydimethylsiloane,簡稱PDMS),針對幾種常見的溫室氣體二氧化碳(CO2)、 六氟化硫(SF6) 從氮氣(N2)中作分離回收研究。探討添加不同性質約相同體積分率的填充物(Filler),奈米二氧化矽 (naro-particle)和兩種不同孔徑大小的沸石粒子(Type-Y、ZSM-5)於PDMS薄膜中,在25℃不同壓差下對溫室氣體滲透量(permeate)影響的比較。所有氣體分離研究中,發現當壓差改變時,N2、SF6氣體於薄膜中的滲透量會隨著壓差上升而降低,而CO2則隨著壓差上升而增加。N2、SF6在壓差為1時滲透率為514和873(Barrer),CO2在壓差為6時滲透率為2571(Barrer)。SF6/ N2(壓差為1), CO2/ N2(壓差為6)理想選擇度各為1.7和14.2。在膜材中添加相同體積分率為7.5%的填充物,奈米二氧化矽、沸石(Type-Y及ZSM-5)製備的複合膜對三種氣體滲透率影響;PDMS-FS複合膜接近於PDMS膜,PDMS-Y複合膜降低三種氣體的滲透率最多,PDMS-ZSM複合膜提升CO2的滲透率最高。三種複合膜理想選擇度,SF6/ N2(壓差為1) 各為1.14、1.5和1.47; CO2/ N2(壓差為6)選擇度各為9.73、9.47和9.24。添加於膜材中ZSM-5沸石含量增為40Wt.%,壓差為6下,N2滲透率從285降至172,CO2從2634增至3111Barrer, SF6/ N2、CO2/ N2理想選擇度各為2.3及18.1。所有氣體於PDMS-ZSM複合膜分離實驗值會與麥斯威爾方程式預測理論值做比較。
Greenhouse effect has become a crucial environmental issue due to the global warming phenomena around the world. Searching for separation and recovery methodology is one of the key components to solve this long-term problem. This research studies the use of polydimethyl siloxane (PDMS) membrane with or without filler (nanoparticles and zeolite) to separate greenhouse gases (CO2 and SF6) from N2.The results show that the nitrogen and SF6 permeabilities decreased with gas pressure while CO2 permeability increased with upstream pressure. PDMS-fumed silica (addition content 15Wt.%) nan- -ocomposite membranes showed higher permeabilities for N2 and SF6 gases, but lower CO2 permeability. The selectivity for SF6/N2 or CO2/N2 gas pair was slightly reduced compared with the PDMS membrane. PDMS-Zeolite (Type-Y) (addition content 12Wt.%) composite membranes showed reduced the CO2 permeabilities.The N2 and SF6 permeability was similar to that of the pure PDMS. The SF6/N2 or CO2/N2 selectivity was similar to that of the pure PDMS. PDMS-Zeolite (ZSM-5) (addition content 12-40Wt.%) composite membranes showed reduced the N2 and increased CO2 permeabilities, but had no significant effect SF6 on the permeability. The selectivity increased with zeolite content for CO2/N2.The SF6/N2 selectivity was similar to that of the pure PDMS.All PDMS-ZSM experimental data will simulation and analysis with Maxwell model .
2.1.主要溫室氣體(Greenhouse effect GHG)的介紹3
2.5.麥斯威爾方程式(Maxwell equation)18
2.6.奈米二氧化矽(Fuemd silica)和沸石(zeolite)介紹19
2.6.1.奈米二氧化矽(Fuemd silica)19
第三章、材料與方法 28
3.2.1.薄膜製備30膜的製備30奈米二氧化矽(TS-720)複合膜製備30 PDMS+沸石(ZSM-5)複合膜製備30 PDMS+沸石(Type-Y)複合膜製備31
第四章、結果與討論 34


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