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研究生(外文):Jen-Yu Jong
論文名稱(外文):Binary Adsorption Isotherms of Methyl Ethyl Ketone/ Methyl Isobutyl Ketone Aqueous Solution on Activated Carbon
指導教授(外文):Tsan-Sheng Lu
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MEK與MIBK單成份恆溫吸附實驗之平衡濃度分別於175與90mmole/l以下,實驗結果以Langmuir isotherm為最佳,其MEK與MIBK之Langmuir恆溫吸附方程式之參數K分別為0.072 l/mmole與0.122 l/mmole,而q∞個別為3.06 mmole/g與 7.05 mmole/g。由動態吸附曲線MEK與MIBK之擴散係數平均值分別為3.7×10-5 cm2/s與6.2×10-5 cm2/s。
雙成份恆溫吸附實驗則針對於總平衡濃度4 ~ 25 mmole/l之間,利用單成份Langmuir與Freundlich恆溫吸附方程式之參數,套用在理想吸附溶液理論(IAST)及Extended Langmuir isotherm雙成份恆溫吸附平衡式,以探討其可行性。
實驗結果顯示,丁酮與甲基異丁基酮雙成份水恆溫系統中利用Extended Langmuir isotherm預測之結果,其飽和吸附量的平均相對誤差值分別為95.5%與39.1%,預測結果並不理想;而 IAST與Freundlich isotherm結合的吸附平衡方程式,總吸附量平均相對誤差值只為11.8%,丁酮與甲基異丁基酮個別飽和吸附量誤差值分別為31.8%與28.6%,比較Extended Langmuir isotherm及IAST結合的Langmuir或Freundlich isotherm,結果顯示以IAST-Freundlich模式較優良
The objective of this research is to obtain the adsorption equilibrium data of the liquid binary-component solution of MEK and MIBK at room temperature on the granular activated carbon in an agitated adsorption vessel. The goal is to examine the adsorption isotherm of the binary-component system with the single-component adsorption isotherm.
Langmuir isotherm can well express both the single component adsorption isotherm of MEK and MIBK on activated carbon. The concentration of MEK and MIBK in the fluid phase discussed in the adsorption in the adsorption isotherm is up to 175 and 90 mmole/l respectively. Fitting with Langmuir isotherm, the parameters od K and q∞ of MEK and MIBK are 0.072 l/mmole, 3.06 mmole/g and 0.122 l/mmole, 7.05 mmole/g respectiviely. The effective diffusion coefficients De of MEK and KIBK in the activated carbon at 30℃ are about 3.7×10-5cm2/s and 6.2×10-5 cm2/s.
The concentration of the discussed binary-component solution covers the range from 4 to 25 mmole/l. Extended Langmuir isotherm and Ideal Adsorbed Solution Theory(IAST) models are used to correlate the binary adsorption isotherm with the parameters of the pure component adsorption isotherms. The binary-component adsorption isotherm correlated with Extended Langmuir isotherm has the average error of 95.5% and 39.1% with respective to MEK and MIBK individually. However, the error is reduced to 31.8% and 28.6% for MEK and MIBK respectively if the MEK/MIBK binary-component isotherms are predicted by the IAST-Freundlich isotherms of MEK and MIBK. In the MEK/MIBK system, the binary adsorption isotherms on the activated carbon is better correlated with IAST-Freundlich equation.
第一章 緒論 1
1-1前言 1
1-2背景 1
1-3研究目標 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1文獻回顧 4
2-2吸附基本原理 5
2-2-1 吸附現象 5
2-2-2 吸附種類 6
2-3影響吸附能力之因素 8
2-3-1 吸附劑之性質 8
2-3-2 吸附質之性質 8
2-3-3 環境因素 9
2-4-1 單成份恆溫吸附理論模式 12
2-4-2 多成份恆溫吸附理論模式 18
2-5攪拌吸附槽恆濃度模式 22
2-6活性碳之種類與特性 24
2-6-1活性碳之種類 24
2-6-2 活性碳之物化特性 25
2-6-3活性碳的結構與製備 27
第三章 實驗材料及研究方法 29
3-1研究流程 30
3-2吸附劑之選用 31
3-3活性碳物性分析 32
3-4吸附質之選用 34
3-5實驗方法及設備 36
3-5-1 實驗裝置 36
3-5-2 單成份恆溫吸附平衡實驗流程 38
3-5-3 雙成份恆溫吸附平衡實驗流程 39
3-6理想吸附溶液理論(IAST)模式求雙成份之吸附平衡 41
3-7有效擴散係數之計算方法 43
第四章 結果與討論 45
4-1活性碳理化特性分析 45
4-1-1 比表面積測量 45
4-1-2 粒徑分佈 46
4-2單成份等溫吸附實驗結果 47
4-2-1 Freundlich恆溫吸附線計算 52
4-2-2 Langmuir恆溫吸附線計算 55
4-3雙成份等溫吸附實驗結果與預測 58
4-3-2 IAST結合Freundlich isotherm(IAST-Freundlich)……....….70
4-3-3 IAST結合Langmuir isotherm(IAST-Langmuir) 73
4-4吸附動力學之探討 78
第五章 結論與建議 81
5-1單成份恆溫吸附 81
5-2雙成份恆溫吸附 81
5-3建議 82
參考文獻 83
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