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研究生(外文):Chen wen-ling
論文名稱(外文):Using Biotechnology Parks as Biotechnology Policy- Comparison between Taiwan and Germany
外文關鍵詞:industrial clusterbiotechnology policybiotechnology parkGermany
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Because of the immeasurable possibility that Biotechnology has, to devote in it becomes a worldwide trend. Following this trend Executive Yuan Taiwan include biotech in the government's “Eight Key Technology Sectors” in 1982 and the “Two Trillion, Twin Star” in 2002.
From the case study of industrial clusters in biotechnology around the world shows that agglomerate effect can bring many advantages for the development of an industry. Taiwan government regards construction of biotech parks as a main strategy to induce cluster. Nevertheless, most of the biotech parks in Taiwan are at a very embryonic stage of development and didn’t reduce so called “clusters”. Biotech sector in Germany has significant agglomerate phenomenon. We examined the history of biotech clusters in Germany and found that there are many good ideas in German biotech policy worthy of learning. The most important idea among which is the “BioRegio” contest.
Out of the unique election culture biotech parks in Taiwan often become a kind of political commitment. Local governments construct biotech parks without conscientious and careful estimate in advance. Therefore some parks don’t have enough strength to develop well. This situation actually becomes the most serious problem of biotech policy in Taiwan. We compared the strength and weaknesses between Taiwan and Germany and proposed: (1) the strength-opportunity strategy, develop medical device cluster; (2) the strength-threat strategy, only one central government actor to promote biotechnology; (3) the threat-opportunity strategy, 1.clear task division between central and local governments, 2. lay emphasis on the network connection between research oriented firms and production oriented firms, (4) the weakness-threat strategy, 1.use the strength of Taiwan to compete with other countries, 2.well established estimate mechanism.
目錄 1
表目錄 3
圖目錄 5
第一章 緒論 6
第一節 研究背景與動機 6
第二節 研究目的 9
第三節 研究架構 9
第四節 研究方法 10
第五節 研究限制 11
第二章 文獻回顧 12
第一節 產業政策 12
第二節 科技政策 17
第三節 生物科技產業概述 26
第四節 科學園區 32
第三章 生技園區作為種科技發展策略的理論與實務 36
第一節 產業群聚 36
第二節 各國生技聚落概況 43
第三節 德國作為台灣學習對象 53
第四章 台德生技產業與園區現況及相關政策之比較 59
第一節 台灣生技產業與相關政策 59
第二節 德國生技產業與相關政策 69
第三節 台德生技產業與政策比較 82
第四節 台灣與德國促進生技群聚相關政策 94
第五節 台灣生技園區SWOT分析 109
第五章 結論與建議 117
參考文獻 121
中文部份 121
英文部分 123
網站部份 127
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〔1〕 美國大學研究園區協會(AURP):http://www.aurrp.org
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