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論文名稱(外文):Expression of Keratinocyte Differentiation Markers in Rabbit Cornea during Wound Repair
外文關鍵詞:CorneaStem cellWound
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角膜上皮組織汰舊換新或組織受創時,輪部上皮基底層的角膜上皮幹細胞會開始增生新的角膜上皮細胞並往角膜移動。我們的實驗發現角膜上皮於修復初期,新生的角膜上皮組織亦有p63的表現,與過去的理論不符。另外經由觀察同時期之角膜分化相關蛋白Keratin 3和 Keratin 14,發現修復初期的角膜上皮組織亦有Keratin 14的表現,與正常角膜上皮組織不同;而隨著角膜上皮組織修復完畢,Keratin 14的表現也漸漸消失,取而代之的則是Keratin 3的表現。說明角膜受創癒合後,新生的角膜上皮細胞會漸漸走向分化,成為成熟的角膜上皮細胞。
角膜組織ex vivo培養的實驗發現,修復初期的中央角膜上皮組織可以在人類羊膜上增生,與正常中央角膜上皮組織不同。配合免疫組織染色之結果,我們認為p63勢必參與修復初期角膜上皮細胞的分裂或分化。
Limbal epithelial stem cells (LSC) are the progenitors of corneal epithelium and are known to locate in the basal layer of the limbal epithelium. During corneal wound repair, limbal epithelial stem cells are stimulated to proliferate and generate new epithelial cells to fill the wound surface. Corneal epithelium is strongly positive with Keratin 3, a marker of the mature keratinocyte. In contrast, limbal epithelial basal cells are positive with p63, Keratin 14 and/or PCNA, the markers of either cell undifferentiation or proliferation. Here we show that in the epithelium of wound-healing cornea, the basal cells are positive with p63, Keratin 14 and PCNA, and are negative with Keratin 3, characteristics of that of the limbal basal cells. In contrast, Keratin 3 is expressed in cells located from suprabasal to superficial layers. Interestingly, immuno- fluorescent staining of serial sections shows that all p63 positive cells are also Keratin 14 and PCNA positive. Similar results were obtained with ex vivo cultured limbus. In vivo wounded corneas were allowed to undergo repair to complete the reepithlization. On day 7th post-wounding, central corneas were excised and explanted on AM to evaluate their growth potential. Central corneal epithelium taken from day 7th post-wounding grew vigorously to form an epithelial outgrowth with a rate that was faster than unwounded limbal tissue. In contrast, central corneas taken from day 30th post-wounding were unable to grow and no epithelial outgrowth was formed. The growth potential of the wound-repaired central cornea is positively correlated with the expressions of p63, Keratin 14 and PCNA. Our results suggest that the expression of p63 is an important indicator for the proliferation of corneal epithelial cells.
3-2-5.Real-time quantitative reverse transcription PCR …………22
4-2.受創復原初期角膜上皮細胞中Keratin 3, Keratin 14及p63之表
4-3.以Real-time Q-PCR辨識受創角膜上皮的p63 ……………29
6.Reference List…………………………………………………33

Fig.1…………………………………………………………………… 42
Fig.8…………………………………………………………………… 50
Table 1 .…………….…………..………………………………………63
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