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研究生(外文):Hsiao Sheng Wen
論文名稱(外文):A Study on RFID Security for Military Missile Management
外文關鍵詞:Radio Frequency IdentificationAmmunition Inventory ManagementSecurityMissile ManagementEEPROM
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在國軍精實案,人力組織精簡調整與規劃下,為做好彈藥庫儲管理,減輕人力、物力負擔,最有效率方法,就是運用無線射頻識別(Radio Frequency Identification, RFID)技術並適切地導入於軍事裝備的管理,一方面可以結合產業發展現況,提昇生產、運輸及儲管等管理技術,二方面對於爾後庫儲管理清點與管制,也可減少人力、物力的付出。
然而當國軍導入RFID於飛彈庫儲管理時,就必須首重於飛彈機敏資料的安全性,但是在現階段以市場為導向的RFID,卻是採用大量製作,降低成本為主要考量,對於國防軍事運用上,其安全防護標準並不嚴謹,也尚待克服,為了解決商規 RFID 運用於國軍飛彈管理時,所可能衍生之軍機洩密等安全防護。本研究即針對此一問題,妥善規劃及建立相關安全防護機制及架構,期能有效解決安全性防護之重大問題。
Under the project to simplify and consolidate the military organization of the Republic of China (R.O.C.) and the plan to adjust and reconstruct the structure of military human resources, the best method of achieving ammunition inventory management by the missile factory and reducing the burden of both of human and material resources is to apply the RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) system and to appropriately incorporate this system in administration of the military equipment. This method provides two advantages: one is to raise administrative skill used in production, transportation and warehousing by means of associating the present state of industrial development, and another is to reduce the use of both of human and material resources in ammunition inventory management and control in the future.
Thanks to this new missiles inventory management, it is possible for the personnel in charge of inventory survey to carry fewer tables, books and account statements and to quickly record the inventory condition by means of the RFID system in the course of their operation and also possible for them to reduce the time of their exposing to danger in their work. Besides, it is very important that the personnel with no need of opening and examining the warehouse can complete recording all the necessary data that are automatically reported by the sensors of temperature and humidity fitted in the RFID system.
It is natural that when the military incorporates the RFID system in the missiles inventory management, a stress of the confidentiality of the materials concerning missiles should be placed first. Nevertheless, at the present time, as the RFID system tends to be market-oriented, mass production and reduced cost are two issues taken into first consideration. The application of these materials for military use in national defense and the standard of security protection are relatively not emphasized as much as expected and should be increased. For the divulgement of military confidentiality derived from the application of the RFID system in administration of missiles by the R.O.C. military, this study places a focus on planning and establishment of the security protection mechanism for solving this severe problem.
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究背景
1.2 研究動機
1.3 研究目的
1.4 章節簡介
第二章 文獻回顧
2.1 RFID簡介
2.1.1 RFID系統概述
2.1.2 RFID技術特性
2.1.3 RFID標準組織
2.2 RFID隱私與安全防護方法
2.2.1 Kill標籤(Kill Tag)
2.2.2 遮罩-法拉第籠(Faraday’s Cage)
2.2.3 運用主動干擾技術
2.2.4 智慧型標籤
2.2.5 阻止標籤(Block Tag)
2.2.6 雜湊函數(Hash Function)
2.3 資料加密
2.4 RSA Security系統防護設計簡介
2.4.1 存取權限控制(Access Control)
2.4.2 使用者登入鑑別(Authentication)
2.4.3 安全鏈結機制(Link Security)
2.5 安全層上的鑑別技術
2.6 國軍敵我識別器簡介
2.7 國軍憑證中心架構簡介
2.7.1 申請電子印鑑
2.7.2 核發
2.7.3 線上申報
2.7.4 線上稽核
第三章 研究方法
3.1 需求分析
3.2 問題及限制定義
3.3 標籤-讀取器之設計架構
3.4 資料庫存取控制架構
3.5 國軍飛彈安全管理導入RFID安全規劃整體架構
第四章 系統設計及運作流程
4.1 標籤─讀取器端加密架構
4.1.1 加密步驟
4.1.2 解密步驟
4.2 使用者讀取資料時之加密
4.3 研究產出
4.4 使用設備
4.5 安全性分析
4.5.1 密碼破解攻擊法
4.5.2 中間人攻擊法
4.5.3 網路竊聽與竄改攻擊法
4.5.4 偽冒攻擊法
4.5.5 無線電阻斷服務攻擊法
4.5.6 重送式攻擊法
4.6 綜合討論
第五章 結論與未來展望
5.1 結論
5.2 未來展望
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