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研究生(外文):Hsin-Ping Chen
論文名稱(外文):Using IC Card, Password and RFID to Access Electronic Medical Records in a Framework with Various Access Privileges
指導教授(外文):Jing-Jang Huang
外文關鍵詞:Radio Frequency Identification DevicePrivacy protectionExchange of electronic medical recordsMultisignatureAccess control
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This thesis presents a method for access control in a healthcare environment where privileges to access electronic medical records are granted to individuals according to certain security policies. The method is based on conventional approach that uses IC cards as a device for digital signature. The method adds flexibility to the conventional approach by further including a user-chosen password and a code retrieved from a RFID tag as additional identification information. Without weakening privacy protection, an identical RFID tag can be used to identify a different patient at a different time. Such flexibility meets the need for access control in the healthcare environment and also reduces the cost.
目 次
摘要............................................................... I
Abstract......................................................... II
誌謝............................................................. III
目次............................................................ IIII
圖目次............................................................ VI
表目次.......................................................... VIII
第一章 緒論........................................................ 1
1.1 研究背景.................................................... 1
1.2 研究動機.................................................... 3
1.3 研究目的.................................................... 5
1.4 研究方法.................................................... 7
1.5 章節規劃.................................................... 8

第二章 文獻探討................................................... 10
2.1 基本密碼................................................... 10
2.1.1密碼法................................................. 10
2.1.2雜湊函數............................................... 10
2.1.3數位簽章............................................... 11
2.1.4 RSA.................................................. 11
2.1.5多重簽章............................................... 13
2.1.6 PBE.................................................. 13
2.2 國內現行健保認證機制......................................... 15
2.3 電子病歷安全存取的相關研究.................................... 17
2.4 RFID之介紹.............................................. 21

第三章 使用IC卡與通行碼跨院存取電子病歷............................. 25
3.1 可驗證之數位秘密分割與回復.................................... 25
3.2 健保卡初始化................................................ 28
3.3 參與者與應用情境............................................ 31
3.4 使用IC卡與通行碼進行跨院電子病歷存取........................... 34
3.5 金鑰更新................................................... 38

第四章 使用IC卡、通行碼與標籤分級存取電子病歷....................... 41
4.1 標籤的配發程序.............................................. 42
4.2 回復私密金鑰................................................ 44
4.3 第一次與第二次秘密分割....................................... 47
4.4 使用IC卡與標籤存取就診醫院資訊................................ 50
4.5 使用IC卡、通行碼與標籤跨院存取醫療資訊......................... 54
4.6 回收tag.................................................... 58

第五章 實作驗證與分析.............................................. 61
5.1 使用IC卡與通行碼跨院存取病歷.................................. 62
5.2 配發標籤................................................... 66
5.3 住院後的兩種病歷存取應用情境.................................. 68
5.4 安全性與特性分析............................................ 72
5.5 效能分析................................................... 77

第六章 結論與未來展望.............................................. 79
6.1 結論與研究貢獻.............................................. 79
6.2 未來展望................................................... 81

參考文獻.......................................................... 82
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