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研究生(外文):Wen Chun, Chiang
論文名稱(外文):Event-Driven real time response technology application in SCM system–A case study on Pharmaceutical industry in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Chun Yi, Lin
外文關鍵詞:Pharmaceutical IndustriesSupply Chain ManagementBusiness Process ManagementWeb ServicesServices-Oriented ArchitectureEvent-Driven ArchitectureReal Time Event-Driven Response Technical
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Due to the high prevalence of the Supply Chain Management concept, the electronic-Supply Chain Management System has been utilized in most of the current Logistics System. In Pharmaceutical industries, the self-developed or outsourced electronic system has almost also been implemented in order to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness in logistics control of pharmaceutical products.
In practical, the Supply Chain Management of pharmaceutical industries was mostly contracted out by third-party distributor due to business scale. The Supply Chain Management was mainly focused on logistics and distribution management rather than information and cash flow control. Consequently, Peoples plays an important role in the crisis management in events of Supply Chain Management instead of the powerful electronic platform of B2B System.
Multi-national, research-based pharmaceutical companies are aimed at discovering and developing breakthrough medicines as well as information providing on prevention, wellness and treatment of diseases. The shortage of medicines, occurrence of adverse events, product return and complaints can cause unexpected damage in human life if corrective reactions are not taken immediately. Therefore, the timely transmission of information as well as the establishment of the information exchange infrastructure in pharmaceutical industries is extremely important.
The case study is designed to investigate the Real Time Response Technology in Supply Chain Management in multi-national pharmaceutical company. The investigation is mainly focused on the automatic responses to the events in Supply Chain Management, such as product shortage, occurrence of adverse events, product return and product complaints to prevent the immediate threatening in human life. Finally, a substantial solution of the Real Time Response Technology in Supply Chain Management for pharmaceutical company is proposed for further reference.

Keywords: Pharmaceutical Industries, Supply Chain Management, Business Process Management, Web Services, Services-Oriented Architecture, Event-Driven Architecture, Real Time Event-Driven Response Technical.
誌謝 iv
摘要 v
Abstract vi
目錄 vii
第一章 序論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.1.1西藥產業經營現況 1
1.1.2資訊流與金流建構困難 2
1.1.3資訊系統應用現狀 3
1.1.4供應鏈事件與事件處理模式 6
1.2研究動機 7
1.3研究目的 8
1.4研究範圍與限制 9
1.5論文結構 10
第二章 文獻探討 12
2.1西藥產業特性 12
2.1.1西藥產業特性 13
2.1.2國外西藥產業趨勢 15
2.1.3國內西藥產業的現況 16
2.2供應鏈管理系統發展趨勢 17
2.2.1供應鏈管理 17
2.2.2國內供應鏈管理軟體發展現況 20
2.3西藥產業供應鏈概況 22
2.4網路服務(Web Services) 23
2.4.1網路服務的運作架構 23
2.4.2網路服務所使用通訊協定 25
2.4.3網路服務的優點 27
2.5商業流程管理平台 27
2.5.1商業流程管理軟體的應用與發展 28
2.5.2企業流程管理軟體系統架構 29
2.6統一塑模語言(UML) 30
2.7服務導向架構 32
2.7.1服務導向架構的運作成功要件 34
2.7.2服務導向架構技術 35
2.8事件導向架構 36
2.8.1事件導向架構技術 36
2.8.2服務導向架構與事件導向架構的比較 37
2.9小結 38
第三章 事件導向即時回應技術 40
3.1基本概念 40
3.1.1技術特性 41
3.1.2運作模式 41
3.1.3事件導向的演進 42
3.2事件導向架構技術現況 42
3.2.1事件導向的Design Pattern 43
3.2.2 JEDI 43
3.2.3 SIENA 44
3.2.4 Elvin Content-Based Notification Service 45
3.2.5 CORBA Notification Service 46
3.2.6 JMS, 47
3.2.7比較 48
3.3事件導向架構相關標準 49
3.4情境分析 53
3.5小結 53
第四章 西藥產業供應鏈流程整合架構 55
4.1西藥產業供應鏈整合之問題與假設 55
4.1.1西藥產業供應鏈角色說明 55
4.1.2事件分類與監控對象 56
4.1.3系統功能規格說明 57
4.1.4系統開發環境說明 58
4.2供應鏈UML系統分析 59
4.2.1系統UML分析的角色說明 59
4.2.2藥品訂單處理流程UML分析 60
4.2.3藥品不良反應處理流程UML分析 63
4.2.4事件導向即時回應架構UML分析 66
4.3事件條件類型 71
4.3.1數值型事件條件 71
4.3.2文字型事件條件 72
4.4元件設計 74
4.4.1事件條件元件 75
4.4.2事件偵測元件 79
4.4.3事件通知元件 83
4.4.4事件內容元件 87
4.5整合架構 90
第五章 結論與未來發展 92
5.1結論 92
5.2未來研究方向 92
參考文獻 94
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