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研究生(外文):Liu Hsin Wei
論文名稱(外文):The Application of Case-Based Reasoning for the Prediction of Stock Price Pattern
外文關鍵詞:Case-Based Reasoning
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本論文提出以案例式推理技術(Case-Based Reasoning)來判斷個股單日內走勢,並以最近相鄰讀取法找出近似的股價型態,在股票進出時獲取最大的報酬,而系統的運作主要藉由案例庫的資料讀取,做相似圖形的比對,解決投資時是否能够判斷買點、賣點,藉由台灣證券交易所每日交易所取得的資料,進行案例分析.經由實際案例驗證得知:案例式推理技術可輔助投資人在買賣股票時所面臨的判斷。
Case-Based Reasoning is a common and professional computer application program which solves stock market related issues by studying historical cases.
In this thesis, Case-Based Reasoning is used to analyze stock trends and patterns in order to benefit investors by predicting buying or selling points to make the most profit out of the transaction. The application accomplishes this by feeding information from the existing cases and making similar graphs and charts to determine where the buying and selling points are. Results from the study confirmed that Case-Based Reasoning could be used as a helpful tool for decision making.
Case-Based Reasoning uses historical data in combination with the adjusted results by the designer’s experiments as the foundation of the system. The stock market’s line graphs are used to illustrate the system’s basic structure and to predict future possible stock market trends.
With Case-Based Reasoning Application Program’s efficient calculation characteristic, large investment companies or individual investors can utilize the system to determine profitable buying and selling points in the stock market.
摘 要 II
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究範圍 3
1.4 研究流程 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1 道氏理論 6
2.1.1 股價趨勢線 7
2.1.2 股價趨勢線的劃法 8
2.1.3 支撐區及壓力區 9
2.2 股價型態學 11
2.2.1 反轉型態 11
2.2.2 整理型態 19
2.3 案例式推理 25
2.3.1 案例式推理系統的運作流程 26
2.3.2 案例式推理的案例描述(CBR- Case Representation) 28
2.3.3 案例式推理的索引方式(CBR-Index) 29
2.3.4 案例式推理的讀取方法(CBR- Retrieval) 30
2.3.5 最近相鄰讀取法和歸納式讀取法比較 34
2.3.6 案例式推理的儲存方式 34
2.4 隨機指標(KD) 35
2.5相對強弱指標(RSI) 36
第三章 研究方法 38
3.1 五點座標辨識圖形型態 39
3.2 最近相鄰讀取法求出相似圖形 42
3.3 程式設計及資料庫介紹 43
第四章 研究設計與結果 47
4.1 樣本資料說明 49
4.1.1 資料來源 49
4.1.2 資料處理 50
4.2 研究設計 55
4.2.1 時間週期設定 55
4.2.2 建立案例資料庫 55
4.3 研究結果 65
4.3.1 報酬率計算 65
4.3.2 盤後定價交易 69
4.3.3 實證結果 71
4.3.4 實證結論 77
第五章 結論與建議 79
5.1結論 79
5.2研究貢獻 79
5.3未來方向 80
參考文獻 81
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