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研究生(外文):Nick Huang
論文名稱(外文):The Aerodynamics and Structural Analysis of Wind Turbine Blades
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為了對此分析流程與所撰寫之程式進行確認,使用Habali與Saleh (2000)所設計分析之風力機葉片參數進行比對分析。分析結果顯示兩者在最大變形量的數值差異小於2%,可驗証出本研究所發展的分析流程與程式撰寫之正確性。接著,應用本研究之分析流程,分析葉片在不同厚度比與翼樑結構時之變形量,以及自然振動頻率與振動形狀之模態反應。從分析中求得之葉片根部力矩,可計算出風力機所產出之功率,故此分析流程可供快速進行風力機葉片最佳化設計之用。
The initial and operational costs of a wind turbine system reduce as the power generation of the system increases. Therefore, the trend of wind turbine development moves toward that with long blades and high power. To cope with this trend, the skill of designing wind turbine blades is inevitably an important research topic.
This study is to develop a complete set of analysis tools and procedures so that the design works of wind turbine may become a simple and routine job. In the study, the most commonly used NACA foil series is the main type of the blade sections. The most efficient pitch angles of the wing sections are firstly calculated with the WBFD software. Then, using the C programs developed by the author, the command streams that can be recognized by ANSYSTM are generated. The command streams are then fed into ANSYSTM to do aerodynamic and structural analysis.
In order to verify this analysis procedures, the parameters used by Habali and Saleh (2000) in designing a wind turbine are used. The resulting maximum displacement differing from their studies is less than 2%. This verifies the accuracy of the newly developed analysis tools and procedures. Finally, using the tools and procedures, the displacements and the mode reaction of natural frequencies and vibrating shape are achieved for the blades of different thickness ratios and spar structures. The power of the wind turbine can also be achieved from the resulting moment at the blade roots. It is concluded that the tools and procedures developed by this study can be used for rapid optimal design of wind turbine blades.
誌謝 ...................................................i
中文摘要 ..............................................ii
英文摘要 .............................................iii
目錄 ..................................................iv
圖目錄 ...............................................vii
表目錄 .................................................x
符號說明 ..............................................xi

第一章 緒論 ............................................1
1.1 研究背景 ...........................................1
1.2 文獻回顧 ...........................................3
1.3 研究動機與目標 ......................................5
第二章 風力機之空氣力學基礎理論 ...........................7
2.1 風力機的空氣力學 ....................................7
2.2 動量理論 ...........................................7
2.2.1 線性動量理論與Betz理論效率極限 .....................7
2.2.2 含有角動量之理想水平軸式風力機 ....................11
2.3 葉片元素理論 ......................................15
2.4 結合動量理論與葉片元素理論 ..........................21
第三章 風力機葉片之相關設計參數 ..........................22
3.1 風力機葉片翼型截面之選用 ............................22
3.1.1 風力機翼型截面簡介與其發展 ........................22
3.1.2 NACA翼型截面之弧形構成與編號意義 ..................23
3.1.3 NACA翼型截面之特性及應用 .........................25
3.2 風力機葉片外形設計 .................................27
3.2.1 葉片長度 ........................................27
3.2.2 葉片漸縮比與厚度 .................................28
3.2.3 葉片扭轉角 ......................................31
3.3 風力機葉片強度設計 .................................32
3.3.1 葉片根部 ........................................32
3.3.2 轉子輪轂 ........................................34
3.3.3 葉片結構 ........................................35
3.4 風力機材料之選用 ...................................37
3.4.1 複合材料之混合效應 ...............................38
3.4.2 基材特性 ........................................39
3.4.3 補強材特性 ......................................39
3.4.4 積層特性 ........................................40
第四章 風力機葉片分析流程之建構 ..........................45
4.1 風力機葉片之空氣力學分析 ............................45
4.2 風力機葉片之空氣動力分析 ............................46
4.2.1 空氣動力流場分析模型設計參數之建立 .................47
4.2.2 翼型截面之FLOTRAN空氣動力分析 .....................48
4.3 翼型截面分析結果之排序與負載映射建立 ..................52
4.4 風力機葉片之結構分析 ................................55
4.4.1 風力機葉片結構分析模型設計參數之建立 ................56
4.4.2 風力機葉片之STRUCTURAL結構分析 ....................58
第五章 結果分析與討論 ...................................62
5.1 驗証分析結果之正確性 ...........................62
5.2 觀察風力機葉片分析結果之最大應力破壞 .............66
5.3 分析不同厚度比之風力機葉片 ...........................68
5.4 分析不同翼樑結構之風力機葉片 .........................72
5.5 風力機葉片之模態分析 ................................74
第六章 結論與未來展望 ...................................78
6.1 結論 ..............................................78
6.2 未來展望 ...........................................79
參考文獻 ...............................................81
附錄 分析步驟與程式操作說明 ..............................84
附錄A 空氣動力流場分析模型設計參數之建立 ...................85
附錄B 翼型截面之FLOTRAN空氣動力分析 ......................96
附錄C 翼型截面分析結果之排序與負載映射建立 ................108
附錄D 風力機葉片結構分析模型設計參數之建立 ................120
附錄E 風力機葉片之STRUCTURAL結構分析 ....................129
附錄F 風力機葉片之模態分析 ..............................137
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