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研究生(外文):Ker How Lu
論文名稱(外文):The Applicition of the Design of Computer Experiments for the Analysis of Fluid-Film Lubrication
指導教授(外文):Nenzi Wang
外文關鍵詞:Design of ExperimentMetamodelThermohydrodynamicArtificial Neural NetworkLatin HypercubeUniform DesignRegular Meshing
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本研究使用兩個輸入變數與一個輸出變數的熱液動潤滑模型進行研究,以拉丁立方取樣(Latin Hypercube Sampling)、均勻設計(Uniform Design)與網格取樣(Regular Meshing)三種實驗設計方式與四種取樣數目(分別為16、36、64及100點),以類神經網路(Artificial Neural Network)為替代模型,進行實驗設計法的比較。替代模型測試採用均方根誤差與最大絕對誤差百分比為標準,並可藉此分析與判斷在相同取樣點時取樣方式的優劣。
Design of experiments and metamodels are used extensively in computer-based simulations for providing useful information with less effort. Usually a metamodel can provide an efficient and accurate substitute for the original numerical model. Thus, the combination of design of experiments and metamodels can reduce the execution time in many applications. In some cases, for example the sample size is limited, the effect of design of experiments on the performance of a metamodel can become a dominant factor. The effect of sampling technique is the main focus of this study.
In this study, a Thermohydrodynamic model is substituted by a metamodel, artificial neural network. Three experimental designs (Latin Hypercube, Uniform Design and Regular Meshing) and four sample sizes (16, 36, 64 and 100) were used to examine the accuracy of the metamodel. The model has two input variables and one output variable. Root mean square error and maximum absolute error were used for assessing the metamodel.
The results of the computer experiments show that for a small sample size the uniform design provides better prediction and has minimum average error in a variety of networks. This study provides a reference for the researchers who are interested in the application of artificial neural network, the design of experiments and the sampling techniques.
第一章 簡介
1.1 前言
1.2 研究動機
1.3 文獻回顧第二章 實驗設計法
2.1 拉丁立方取樣 (Latin Hypercube Sampling, LHS)
2.1.1 總均值模型 (Overall Mean Model)
2.1.2 LHS的特性
2.1.3 LHS的佈點步驟
2.2 均勻設計 (Uniform Design, UD)
2.2.1 均勻設計表
2.2.2 均勻設計表之構造 (優良格點法)
第三章 替代模型
第四章 研究方法
4.1 熱液動潤滑模型
4.2 拉丁立方取樣設計
4.3 均勻設計法取樣設計
4.4 網格取樣法設計
第五章 實驗結果與討論
5.1 100個取樣點之結果
5.2 64個取樣點之結果
5.3 36個取樣點之結果
5.4 16個取樣點之結果
5.5 結果與討論
第六章 結論與建議
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