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論文名稱(外文):Association of Physical Activity and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Elderly Taiwanese
指導教授(外文):Chia-Lin Li
外文關鍵詞:physical activitynew type 2 diabetes
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本研究是利用行政院衛生署1999-2000 年台灣地區老人營養健康狀況調查之資料,進行橫斷式的分析,目的是希望以具代表性之樣本為特色,瞭解台灣地區老人身體活動量之狀況,以及探討老年人身體活動量與第二型糖尿病之相關。研究對象總數為1499人,男性有763人,佔有50.9%,女性有736人,佔有49.1%。
The aim of this study was to explore the association of physical activity and type 2 diabetes in the elderly from a representative sample which was carried out in the Elderly Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan (1999-2000). A total of 1499 non-institutionalized subjects (763 men and 736 women) with complete basic demographics, data on physical activity, and fasting plasma glucose levels were recruited in the current study. Physical activity was assessed using Modified Baecke Questionnaire for Older Adults (MBQOA).
The primary results are as following:female participants who were least active had higher risk of type 2 diabetes (OR = 2.32; 95% Confidence Interval; CI = 1.08 to 5.00) than female participants who were most active after adjustment for age, BMI, education level, smoking habits, drinking habits, marriage status, and medical history. However, among male participants, there was no independent association of physical activity and type 2 diabetes after adjustment for age, BMI, education level, smoking habits, drinking habits, marriage status, and medical history.
誌 謝 V
第一章 緒論 IX
第一節 研究背景及重要性 - 1 -
第二節 研究目的 - 3 -
第二章 文獻探討 - 4 -
第一節 身體活動量 - 4 -
第二節 老年人身體活動與人口特性之相關 - 7 -
第三節 探討身體活動量與第二型糖尿病之相關 - 13 -
第三章 研究材料與方法 - 18 -
第一節 研究對象 - 18 -
第三節 研究架構 - 23 -
第三節 問卷資料以及體檢資料 - 23 -
第四節 資料處理與分析 - 27 -
第四章 分析結果 - 29 -
第一節 研究對象基本資料之敘述性統計 - 29 -
第二節 研究對象身體活動量之分布情形 - 35 -
第三節 人口特性與身體活動量之關係 - 36 -
第四節 邏輯斯回歸分析未診斷第二型糖尿病之勝算比 - 44 -
第五章 討論 - 47 -
第一節 老年人身體活動量之相關探討 - 47 -
第二節 老年人身體活動與第二型糖尿病之相關探討 - 52 -
第三節 研究限制 - 53 -
第六章 結論與建議 - 54 -
第一節結論 - 54 -
第二節建議 - 54 -
參考文獻 - 56 -
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