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研究生(外文):Min Pan
論文名稱(外文):Development of a Criterion Referenced Instrument for Evaluation of Web-based Health Information Development of a Criterion Referenced Instrument for Evaluation of Web-based Health Information
指導教授(外文):Yun-Fang Tsai
外文關鍵詞:Consumer health information evaluation criteriaValidityReliability
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本研究之目的在發展及測試消費者健康資訊評鑑指標,並探討此工具對協助一般民眾判讀健康資訊品質之成效。第一階段為查證目前國內外相關的文獻以建立「消費者健康資訊評鑑指標」,經七位專家審閱,CVI達.89。第二階段是採橫斷式前後測設計,以立意取樣長庚大學的十三位學生進行前測,於94年12月9日以預設的三個健康資訊情境,包括一個國家網路健康醫院(Kingnet)禽流感網站、一個香港禽流感網站及一個台灣登革熱網站等三個真實的網路健康情境進行內在一致性之信度測試;並在兩週後作再測信度測試。網路健康情境1~3之Cronbach’s α coefficient分別為:.86,.85及 .91;再測信度得分範圍為.08-.77之間。
之後於民國九十五年二月二十五日至民國九十五年三月十二日於台北101大樓外側廣場以相同的預設的三個健康資訊情境正式進行資料收集。運用SPSS for Windows 12.0套裝統計軟體,以描述性統計、皮爾森積差及變異數分析 (one way ANOVA) 、成對樣本及獨立樣本t檢定統計方法進行分析。結果發現:
一、 消費者與專家在對12項「消費者健康資訊評鑑指標」重要性與否的差異:專家六人除了「公佈贊助網站廠商和(或)支援網站的機構資訊」,有一人認為有不重要(佔16.7%)外其餘11項評鑑指標都認為重要(100%);而消費者認為「提供的健康資訊內容符合使用者的需求」重要者為最多(100%),其次則為「註明每篇文章的作者資訊-專業資格認證」(99.19%)、「提供的健康資訊內容清楚」(99.19%)、「提供的健康資訊內容明瞭易懂」(99.19%)。最多人認為不重要的前三項的評鑑指標為:「網站內容以實證科學素材為基礎」(89.51%)、「註明主持網站或該網頁的負責人的姓名」(72.58%)、「公佈贊助網站廠商和(或)支援網站的機構資訊」(70.16%)。
二、 消費者與醫護資訊專家在第一個網路情境中,12項評鑑指標得分在「網站有定期的更新,公佈資訊內容最新修正、更新的日期」有明顯差異。
三、 消費者及專家在第二個健康情境中,12項評鑑指標得分在「陳述網站的宗旨」、「網站中是否註明每篇文章之作者姓名」、公佈網站建立的時間、資訊內容公佈的日期」等三項評鑑指標上有明顯差異。
四、 消費者及專家在第三個健康情境中,12項評鑑指標得分在「陳述網站的宗旨」、「網站中是否註明每篇文章之作者經驗及專業資格認證」等三項評鑑指標上有明顯差異。
五、 消費者與醫護資訊專家運用「消費者健康評鑑指標」前後,判讀三個預設的網路健康資訊品質之可信度得分上,均未達統計上顯著意義。

關鍵詞 :消費者健康資訊評鑑指標、效度、信度
The purpose of this study is to develop and test the evaluation indicator on consumer’s health information, and to look into the result of using this method as a tool to help the general public assess the quality of health information. The first stage is to investigate the current available literature in and outside Taiwan to establish “evaluation indicator of consumer health information”. After being examined by 7 experts, CVI reached .89. The second stage is to design a cross-sectional preliminary test and subsequent test. A preliminary test was done on December 9, 2005 with 13 Chang Gung University students under three pre-set health information scenarios: Kingnet website introducing avian flu, one Hong Kong website on avian flu and one Taiwan website on Dengue Fever to test the confidence level on consistency. The confidence level test was done again in two weeks. The Cronbach’s α coefficient of the three web-based health scenario were .86, .85, .91 respectively. The score of the second test was ranged between .08 - .77.
Subsequently, the data collection process was officially done in the outdoor area of 101 building using the same pre-set health information scenarios from Feb 25, 2006 to March 12, 2006. The software SPSS for Windows 12.0 was utilized to make the analysis with descriptive statistics, one way ANOVA, paired-t test and independent-t test.
The findings are listed below:
1. There is a difference between the consumers and experts regarding what is important in the 12 “evaluation indicators of consumer health information”. The opinion of the six experts: one indicator “announcing the vendor who sponsors the website and/or the institution that supports the website” was regarded as unimportant by one expert (16.7%); the rest of the 11 evaluation indicators were regarded as important (100%). On the other hands, the indicator “providing health information to meet the user’s demand” was regarded the most important (100%). The second most important indicators were “stating the writer of each article – professional certification”(99.19%), “providing clear health information” (99.19%), and “providing easy-to-read health information” (99.19%). The three least important evaluation indicators by the majority of people were “website information was based on proven scientific subject matter” (89.51%), “marking the name of the responsible person for the website” (72.58%), “announcing the vendor who sponsors the website or institution that supports the website” (70.16%)
2. In the first website scenario, among the 12 indicators, there was a significant difference between the consumers and health experts in the score of one indicator: “updating website regularly and publishing the latest information & its date”.
3. In the second website scenario, among the 12 indicators, there were significant differences between the consumers and experts in the score of three indicators: “explaining the purpose of the website”, “whether the writer of each article is indicated on the website” and “announcing the website launch date & the information update time”.
4. In the third website scenario, among the 12 indicators, there were significant differences between the consumers and experts in the score of three indicators: “explaining the purpose of the website”, “whether the experiences of the writer for each article is included on the website – professional certification”, etc.
5. In study of the confidence level of the health information quality on the three pre-set websites, the statistics was not significant.
The above result can be used as a reference to the consumer in the future when they search for health information on the internet. Several items should be focused on when an internet search on health information is done, for example, “whether or not the website was updated regularly, whether or not the latest information & the update time were published”, “whether or not the vendor who sponsors the website and/or the institution who supports the website is indicated”, “whether or not the purpose of the website is explained”, “whether or not the name of the responsible person for the website is disclosed”.
Key word: Consumer health information evaluation criteria, Validity, Reliability
第壹章 緒論 - 1 -
第一節 研究動機及重要性 - 1 -
第二節 研究目的 - 2 -
第三節 名詞解釋 - 3 -
第貳章 文獻查證 - 4 -
第一節 健康資訊網站的現況 - 4 -
第二節 消費者健康資訊品質的重要性 - 7 -
第三節 國外健康資訊品質監控的標準及研究 - 9 -
第四節 國內之健康資訊評鑑標準及研究 - 21 -
第五節 總結 - 25 -
第參章 研究方法 - 27 -
第一節 前趨研究一:發展消費者健康資訊評鑑指標 - 27 -
第二節 前趨研究二:測試消費者健康資訊評鑑指標之信效度 - 28 -
第三節 正式研究 - 32 -
第肆章 研究結果 - 37 -
第一節 研究對象之基本人口學屬性 - 37 -
第二節 消費者在12項「消費者健康資訊評鑑指標」評鑑指標之重要性、指標得分及可信度得分之敘述 - 37 -
第三節 專家在12項「消費者健康資訊評鑑指標」評鑑指標之重要性、指標得分及可信度得分之敘述 - 41 -
第四節 「消費者健康資訊評鑑指標」對消費者及專家判讀網路健康資訊品質的成效 - 44 -
第五節 影響消費者判讀網路健康資訊品質的基本資料變項因素 - 47 -
第伍章 討論 - 48 -
第一節 本研究發展的消費者健康評鑑指標項目 - 48 -
第二節 消費者健康評鑑指標項目的信效度 - 48 -
第三節 消費者的基本資料分析 - 50 -
第四節 消費者及專家運用「消費者健康資訊評鑑指標」前後 對健康情境可信度得分之差異 - 53 -
第五節 一般消費者及專家在12項「消費者健康資訊評鑑指標」
之得分與總評分之差異 - 53 -
第陸章 結論與建議 - 57 -
第一節 結論 - 57 -
第二節 研究限制 - 59 -
第三節 建議 - 60 -
參考文獻 - 64 -
一、中文部分 - 64 -
二、英文部分 - 68 -
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