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研究生(外文):bo-tao lin
論文名稱(外文):A Mechanism for Transmission/Control Based on Remote Information Management System
指導教授(外文):ying-feng kuo
外文關鍵詞:Remote Information Manage ExpertMultimedia Information sharing DevicesComputer- Assisted Recognizes SystemParking Lot Manage SystemPetrol Station Manage System
  • 被引用被引用:2
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Remote, On-line, Real-time, Interactive; these four characteristics has been the requirement of today’s humanity, thinking, and technology. This paper wants to draw up a mechanism for Transmission/Control based on remote information management system. This mechanism makes the internal management coordination and the exchange of external information easier. The first part of this mechanism’s mainly responsibility is the retrieval, register, and processing of the information, and make the later transmission of information possible. The second part is the important control core of this mechanism, which controls the process of information transmission, and acknowledges the remote request from internet. The last part plays a role that makes the communication between external systems and this mechanism, and receiving command at remote through internet protocol. By the collaboration of control unit and transmission unit, it transfers various messages receiving from front end to outward. In addition, we can achieve the accomplishment of local or remote information accessing and transmission/control by internet, wireless, and electric- communication. In other words, we want to design a multimedia information streaming sever which agreeable with the four characteristics above, and connected to multimedia information banks. For proving the feasibility and usability of this mechanism, this paper uses “Multimedia Information Sharing Device” as hardware and “Computer-Assisted Recognizes System” as software, combines them as an application. Then we promote it for implement in parking management system, gas station system, and others application systems, to validate this mechanism.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 背景緣由 1
第三節 研究目的 3
第四節 本文架構 4
第二章 模型的基本概論 5
第一節 非正式的模型化描述 5
第二節 正式的理論定義 7
第三章 系統架構 10
第一節 分散式架構 10
第二節 子系統類別 11
第三節 系統流程 15
第四章 實例應用 24
第一節 停車場管理系統 24
第二節 加油站管理系統 33
第三節 系統歸納 37
第五章 結論 39
第一節 結論與展望 39
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