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論文名稱(外文):The research of the high-story building makes use of the elevator on the evacuation benefit valuation.
外文關鍵詞:High-story buildingElevatorEvacuationELVACThe refuge transports to evaluate the mode
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Taiwan in recent years due to economic booming development, and building the technique promotes and the city population is a great deal of concentrated, cause city land presented to turn intensively in using and the height makes use of the phenomenon that turn, the building is gradually to turn toward key figures and large-scale type development that turn. The high-story building is internal to accept to permit the personnel numerous and complicacy, among them also may accept to permit the disabled…in body function etc. seek refuge weak, so make use of the elevator conduct and actions seek refuge weak it refuge equipment solid necessity that have it the study.
In light of domestic key figures the building has year by year the trend that increase, and current domestic fire fight salvage equipment shortage and seek refuge weak it need, through domestic and international elevator is made use of in related cultural heritage, case example and elevators of the refuge usages seek refuge the related theories of the conveyance calculation or the collection of the software result know, it is viable that elevator be used as refuge usage. Immediately after take certain an extremely high-story layer building in home as an example, make use of the United States ELVAC elevator to seek refuge conveyance valuation mode and Ministry of Interior building institutes to publish it" the building fire prevention seeks refuge security function identification method" carry on whole refuge the security the quantity to turn the valuation the analysis, inquire into key figures the building to make use of the elevator conduct and actions to seek refuge usage, the elevator circulate time influence factor(elevator speed, acceleration, floor height, usage the floor counts and the personnel counts) for seek refuge evacuation time benefit to affect analysis and use the related control of the floor top the analysis. Know through the analytical result, the high building makes use of the elevator and carries on the refuge, should adopt the sum and settle the high elevator in speed pattern, compare to the refuge of the high floor effectively benefit of. Making use of the elevator seeks refuge should above 13F(50.9m), for seek refuge and is just what valid benefit. The floor height is more high it makes use of the elevator to carry on the benefit of the refuge then more high, but if join the security consideration, light a fire the floor to be located the high floor, that floor make use of the number of the elevator refuge to should depend on extreme limit number. In usage number and floors that make use of the elevator refuge numbers, should adopt the allotment of the adequacy, for seek refuge compare valid benefit of, if use the floor number more many, it make use of the number to should reduce. Use the floor number more few, make use of the number then can opposite exaltation, and if only limit in the partial high floor usage, it is using the benefit on the number more for obvious.
目 錄
謝誌.............. Ⅰ
摘要.............. Ⅱ
英文摘要.............. Ⅲ
目錄.............. Ⅳ
圖目錄.............. Ⅶ
附圖目錄.............. Ⅹ
表目錄.............. ⅩⅡ
附表目錄.............. ⅩⅣ
第一章 緒論
1-1 研究動機與目的 1
1-1-1 研究動機 1
1-1-2 研究目的 2
1-2 研究方法 3
1-3 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻回顧與探討
2-1 昇降機之沿革與定義 5
2-1-1 昇降機之沿革 5
2-1-2 昇降機之定義 7
2-1-3 昇降機之相關規定 7
2-2 運用昇降機避難之相關研究整理 13
2-2-1 運用昇降機避難之相關研究 13
2-2-2 運用昇降機進行避難之相關問題與對策探討 16
2-3 避難安全理論 24
2-3-1 避難逃生概念 24
2-3-2 人員避難行動特性 26
2-4 建築物之避難安全計算評估理論 30
2-4-1 建築物防火避難安全性能驗證法 30
2-4-2 ELVAC昇降機避難運輸評估模式 37
2-5 運用昇降機進行避難之實際案例探討 43
2-6 建築物昇降機之設置量評估方式探討 45
2-6-1 建築物昇降機設置基本計畫及計畫流程 45
2-6-2 建築物昇降機設置量計算方式 46
2-6-3 標準昇降機承載量、運行速度及加速度規格資料 51
2-7 建築物昇降設備、直通樓梯配置型態與避難逃生關係之探討 52
2-7-1 建築物昇降設備配置原則與配置型態 52
2-7-2 建築物昇降設備、直通樓梯配置型態與避難逃生關係探討 57
第三章 超高層建築物案例之昇降機設置現況分析
3-1 案例選定 59
3-1-1 案例基本資料 59
3-1-2 案例直通樓梯及昇降機之相關基本資料 62
3-2 案例之昇降機設置數量探討 65
3-2-1 昇降機設置數量評估方法 65
3-2-2 昇降機設置數量評估結果分析 66
第四章 運用昇降機進行避難之避難效益評估與分析
4-1 運用昇降機進行避難效益評估方式 71
4-1-1 運用昇降機進行避難效益評估方式 71
4-1-2 ELVAC昇降機避難運輸評估模式評估之操作限制探討 74
4-1-3 整棟避難安全量化評估比較方式 76
4-2 運用昇降機進行避難之避難效益評估結果與分析 78
4-2-1 昇降機額定速度與加速度之最佳運行效益評估 78
4-2-2 運用昇降機避難整棟避難安全量化評估結果與分析 81
4-2-3 樓層運用昇降機避難極限人數評估結果與分析 87
4-2-4 運用昇降機進行避難效益分析 94
4-3 運用昇降機進行避難之使用管制分析 97
4-3-1 使用樓層及人員管制分析 97
4-3-2 昇降機設備及周邊相關設備規定分析 98
4-3-3 案例評估結果應用與分析 103
第五章 結論與建議
5-1 結論 105
5-2 建議 106
參考文獻 107
附件一 實證案例圖面資料 111
附件二 ELVAC運用額定承載人數及總人數百分比計算結果圖 119
附件三 2006年「科技與社會」學術研討會文章 123
【8】施志鴻,1996,電梯用於避難可行性之問題,現代消防75 期,頁120-126。
【12】John H. Klote,1983,Elevators as A Means of Fire Escape,NBSIR 82-2507。
【13】John H.Klote、George T Tamura,1986,Elevators Piston Effect and the Smoke Problem,Fire Safety Journal,Vol. 11, No. 2, 1986,pp. 227-233。
【14】John H.Klote and George T Tamura,1991,Smoke Control Systems for Elevator Fire Evacuation,Elevators and Fire,pp. 83-94。
【15】John H.Klote and Daniel M. Alvord,1992,Feasibility and Design Considerations of Emergency Evacuation by Elevators,NISTIR 4870。
【16】John H.Klote,1994,Feasibility of Fire Evacuation by Elevator at FAA Control Towers,NISTIR 5445。
【17】John H. Klote、Bernard M. Levin and Norman E. Groner,1995,Emergency Elevator Evacuation Systems,American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME),Baltimore,MD,pp.131-149。
【18】E. KULIGOWSKI,2003,Elevators For Occupant Evacuation And Fire Department Access,National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, USA。
【19】David W,2003,Literature Review on Enclosure of Elevator Lobbies,NISTIR 6973。
【20】王耀琴、陳先斌譯,2004,高層建築火災中利用電梯疏散的可行性研究-廣島Motomachi高層公寓安全疏散案例研究, http://www.fireren.com/article/lunwen/2004910133818.htm。
【21】關澤 愛,2004,高層建築物之電梯避難安全,公共安全管理國際研討會(http://www.ndppc.nat.gov.tw/show/showkids.aspx?pid=108)。
【24】Peter G. Wood,1980,A Survey of Behavior in Fires,Fires and Human Behavior。
【34】John H. Klote、Daniel M. Alvord,1991,Routine for Analysis of the People Movement Time for Elevator Evacuation,NISTIR 4730。
【36】內政部消防署,2002年,世界貿易中心(WTC)建築物作業研究(中議本) ,內政部消防署台灣環境與災害政策學會。
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