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研究生(外文):Chin-Hsiung WU
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Coordination Stockpile Operation Mode for the Globalization Distribution - Example with Taiwan High Tech Industry
指導教授(外文):Chin-Huang Lin
外文關鍵詞:Globalization Distribution PlanCoordination StockpileSupply ChainCase StudyIn-Depth Interview
  • 被引用被引用:1
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在全球化競爭的環境中,企業面臨了前所未有的挑戰,為了能夠永續經營,企業必需具備有把握現在並且能夠展望未來之前瞻觀念及施行方針,以掌握接單的關鍵因素。而製造業未來在原物料、零組件之供應,及在物流、金流與資訊流的整合,都是一個關鍵的課題。再加上全球化佈局為未來企業發展的必然趨勢,因此如何結合ERP 系統之協同補貨作業模式,將使整個供應鏈從前段原物料的供應開始,到多國、多廠區間的生產製造,直到後段配銷的各項物流運籌管理作業,成為一個新的研究方向與重點。而本研究著墨在探討全球化佈局高、中、低的不同程度,提出不同之協同補貨作業模式,以提供企業未來在進行全球化佈局時,可依據其佈局程度之不同,選擇該企業適合的協同補貨作業模式。期能縮短整個供應鏈運作的時問、降低整體庫存成本,並且能夠因應所有產銷的需求。 本研究先選取台灣高科技產業的部分代表性企業,並依其全球化佈局程度,以高、中、低三種不同佈局程度來進行分類。然後就文獻資料整理出協同補貨作業模式的相關架構,並進行深度訪談內容的設計,最後再以個案研究法進行彙整、分析,且根據深度訪談所得結果,尋找出台灣高科技產業現階段在不同全球化佈局下的協同補貨作業模式,以及對未來理想的協同補貨作業模式的建議。 經本研究結果發現全球化佈局程度不同的台灣高科技公司,其協同補貨作業模式亦有明顯之不同。全球化佈局程度高的公司其運籌管理的複雜度亦高,對供應鏈協同補貨作業模式的需求及功能亦較高;全球化佈局程度低的公司其運籌管理較單純,對供應鏈協同補貨作業模式的要求並不高;全球化佈局程度中度的公司,恰介於兩者之間。而本研究除就此三種不同的全球化佈局程度(高、中、低)建構出理想的協同補貨作業模式外,並依序命名為「全球協同補貨模式」• 「跨國協同補貨模式」、「核心協同補貨模式」。此即為未來企業進行全球化佈局時的參考及決策依據,亦為本文的實質貢獻及價值所在。
Today , under the environment of globalize competition , enterprises are facing challenges that have never happened before . A company needs to provide the confidence at the present stage in regards to its operations while being able to look ahead to the concepts of the future and its performance guidance , but also maintain the ability to control the key factors of taking orders . The crucial subjects in the future of the manufacturing industry are the supply of raw materials , spare parts and the integration of the circulation of material , cash and information . Further the globalization distribution strategy is the predisposition towards future enterprise development . How to integrate the coordination stockpile operational mode of ERP system , Which is going to be a new research direction and a vital point of making the Whole supply chain from the front section , the supply of raw material to the end product of manufacture by the multi-nationals , to their multiple factories to the latter section for distribution of every item in the distribution management operation or process . This research is written in order to probe the globalization distribution plans at different levels , Whether they are low , medium and high to provide enterprise different coordination stockpile operational mode , there fore shortening the process time of the whole supply chain , lowering the whole stock cost and deal with different demands of product distribution . This research chose part of a representative enterprise in Taiwan , based on its different globalization distribution level , which was divided into three being : high , medium and low levels . To find out the relative structure of the coordinaion stockpile operation mode from the documented information . Ts design the interview content , and then use the method of case study , collecting , classifying and analyzing . This is based on the result of an in depth interview . Later to indicate the coordination stockpile operating mode under the different levels of globalization distribution for the current stage of the Taiwan High Tech Industry while also offering suggestions to the future ideal coordination stockpile operating mode . From the result of this research , it discovers the apparent differences of the coordination stockpile operating mode on the different globalization distribution levels of Taiwan High Tech companies . High level of globalization distribution has more complicated management involved , has more demand and more functions for the coordination stockpile operation mode . Low-level globalization distribution management is simpler and lower demand to supply chain coordination stockpile operation mode . Medium level globalization distribution is between high and low levels . This research is based on the three different globalization distribution levels ( high , medium and low ) . Construct the ideal coordination stockpile operation mode and also name in the order of " coordination stockpile operation mode", “cross nation coordination stockpile operation mode”, " core coordination stockpile operation mode”, This research is the reference and the bases of decision -making for future enterprises to carry out globalization distribution strategies , which is the real contribution and value of this article .
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