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研究生(外文):Jian-Cing Huamg
論文名稱(外文):Developping a Remote Control System Based on Timed Petri-Net
指導教授(外文):Wen-Chin ChenDing-Tsair Chang
外文關鍵詞:Timed Petri NetRemote ControlProgrammable Logic Controller
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近年來,由於生產製造系統的控制單元日趨精密,不但傳統之階梯圖程序控制設計變得相當繁複,製程變異的處理也更加困難;在控制程式設計與系統故障診斷功能發展上,更是期待能有效縮短製程時間,提升機台效率。因此本研究運用時間性裴氏網路(Timed Petri-Net, TPN),來建立模組化生產系統(Modulus Production System, MPS)之即時動態模型,並透過動態控制與遠端監控之設計步驟--以Visual Basic程式語言,建構即時動態模型,透過順序控制模型來開發遠端監控系統,並以ActiveX製作監控網頁,作為系統間資料傳遞與設定之溝通管道,進而確保系統正常運作及故障即時排除。
In recent years, with the development of more precise and complicated control units in the production manufacturing systems, the traditional process control designs via Ladder Logic Diagrams become more difficult and inflexible, and the variances of process are also far harder to deal with. The advanced functions of control programming design and system troubleshooting diagnosis would be expected to develop for effectively reducing the process time and increasing the efficiency of machines. This research proposes Timed Petri-Net to build the Modulus Production System (MPS) real-time dynamic control and a remote monitoring model which can be fell into the following stages: using Visual Basic Programming language to create the real-time dynamic model and developing the remote control system through process control. Furthermore, an ActiveX-based monitoring webpage would be dedicated to data transition and communication.
This study employs the MPS testing device to establish the relevant software and hardware interface and construct a real-time Timed Petri-net model in the Automation and Logistics laboratory of Chung-Hua university. Comparing with the previous remote monitoring system, the presented network expresses the responses of movements or the state through timeliness delay in the Timed Petri-net model in order to prevent MPS from taking place and deadlock. The experimental procedures are as follows: first analyzing the MPS operation process, and then developing the various Petri-net diagrams in terms of MPS machines. Additionally, a real-time dynamic Timed Petri-net model can be generated, in accordance with different machine functions, to adapt the control interfaces and the off-line testing and verifying ways of machines. If the real-time dynamic Timed Petri-net model is proved successful to meet MPS operational process, then exploiting the webpage to build remote monitoring system for implementing the real-time troubleshooting diagnosis.
目 錄
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
誌 謝 iv
目 錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 viii
符號表 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機與目的 2
1.3研究範圍 2
1.4 研究架構 2
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1裴氏網路 5
2.2 PN與LLD之相對關係 8
2.3時間性裴氏網路 10
2.4遠端監控 11
2.4.1遠端監控之基本架構 11
2.4.2遠端監控之發展 12
2.5通訊協定 13
第三章 監控系統建構與分析 15
3.1模組化生產系統動作流程說明 19
3.2各模組動作說明與PN建構 20
3.3時間性裴氏網路之即時動態模型設計與系統網路架構 38
3.3.1時間性裴氏網路之即時動態模型設計 39
3.3.2資料傳輸模式與程式說明 40
3.4 資料庫建置 41
3.4.1機台IP資料庫 41
3.4.2機台狀態資訊資料庫 42
3.5生產資料蒐集流程說明 42
第四章 實驗結果 44
4.1時間性裴氏網路即時動態模型之離線模擬畫面 44
4.2 遠端監控系統畫面說明 45
第五章 結論與建議 50
5.1結論 50
5.2建議與未來研究方向 50
參考文獻 52
附錄1 動態監控部分程式 55
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