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研究生(外文):Chen Yi Shiou
論文名稱(外文):The Implementation of a Humming-Based MP3 Music Retrieving System on the Embedded Platform
指導教授(外文):C. C. Liu
外文關鍵詞:Embedded SystemMP3 Music DatabaseQuery by hummingContent-BaseMP3 Slot
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The advancement of multimedia SOC (system on chip) is due to embedded system in progress. Now MP3 hardware player with large capacity has already become popular and its product is seen everywhere. The storage space of MP3 player is improvement so the easy way to select the songs which we want to listen is very important. In this paper, we propose the implementation of a humming-base MP3 music retrieving system on the embedded platform. In our approach, extracting the MDCT (modified discrete cosine transform coefficients) vector coefficients from the MP3 decoder are used to compute MP3 features. Then we consider the operation of the embedded system and the foundation of the music theory to reduce MP3 feature dimensions. In addition the fast vector filter makes retrieving MP3 music only with the closer MP3 features. For this reason we implement a humming-base MP3 music retrieving system under the hardware limiting conditions in the embedded platform.
摘要 I
誌謝 III
內文目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
1. 序論 1
2. MP3音樂哼唱式查詢系統架構 4
2.1. MP3音樂索引 4
2.2. 特徵值計算 5
2.3. 哼唱查詢比對 5
3. MP3樂句分段 6
4. MP3相似性比對特徵值的擷取 7
4.1. MP3音訊編碼 7
4.2. 特徵向量擷取 7
4.3. MP3編碼結構與程式流程 9
4.4. MP3音訊解碼程式流程 10
5. 特徵值計算 12
5.1. 特徵擷取頻率範圍 12
5.2. 樂音特徵計算 13
6. 以音高分布特徵進行MP3樂句快速過濾比對的方法 15
6.1. 樂音音高分布的特徵向量的設計 15
6.2. 樂句音高分布向量的編碼 16
6.3. 相似性比對 17
7. 系統實作 18
7.1. 嵌入式平台硬體環境 19
7.2. 系統運作 20
8. 實驗 22
8.1. 實驗樣本 22
8.2. 影響準確率因素實驗 23
8.3. 樂音個數實驗 23
8.4. 低頻截止頻帶實驗 24
8.5. 高頻載止頻帶實驗 25
8.6. 嵌入式系統特徵值比對準確率實驗 25
8.7. 嵌入式系統特徵值比對效能實驗 26
8.8. 實驗結果綜合討論 28
9. 總結 29
10. 參考文獻 30
附錄B MP3音樂哼唱查詢系統在嵌入式平台之使用方式 38
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