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研究生(外文):Hsin-Hung Wu
論文名稱(外文):Predict Gene Ontology Functions Using Sequence-Structure Alignment Method
指導教授(外文):Wen-Lung Hsu
外文關鍵詞:Protein FunctionPredict Protein FunctionProtein
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蛋白質的功能與其結構有著密切的關係。本篇論文中,將蛋白質結構考慮至其中,發展出一個序列結構排序法來預測蛋白質功能。這個方法是利用蛋白質一級結構序列及其二級結構序列來建造出一個HMM數學統計模型,接著利用已知的蛋白質資料訓練模型,再將所得的機率值拿來做為預測時的依據。此篇論文是依著名的Gene Ontology分類來做為實驗中分類的依據。蛋白質資料則是從Protein Data Bank取得。
As the Human Genome Project (HGP) progresses, there are more biological data available. Many proteins and genes have been sequenced, but their functions remain unknown. Therefore, function predicting methods become important.
It is recognized that molecular structure of a protein is closely related to its function. In this thesis, we develop sequence-structure alignment method to predict protein function. This method uses protein sequence and secondary structure to build a statistical HMM model which is trained according to pre-existing databases. In this paper, the function is classified by Gene Ontology (GO), and the protein data files are collected from Protein Data Bank (PDB).
Two predicted algorithms are adopted. The first one builds different HMM models based on function classification of GO, and then determines overall probability of protein belonging to this function. The accuracy of this algorithm reaches to 63%. However, the protein may have one or more functions. The second algorithm builds additional HMM model using the data not belong to this category. This algorithm can predict multiple functions of an unknown protein. Its accuracy is raised to 81%.
Table of Contents
Abstract in Chinese i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgment iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Figures vii
List of Tables ix
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1-1 Significance of protein 1
1-2 Motivation and purpose 2
1-3 Dissertation organization 3
Chapter 2 Research Background 4
2-1 The overview of protein structure 4
2-1-1 Primary structure 4
2-1-2 Secondary structure 6
2-1-3 Tertiary structure 8
2-1-4 Quaternary structure 8
2-2 Methods to predict protein function 9
2-2-1 Sequence alignment 9
2-2-2 Phylogenetic profiles 13
2-2-3 Artificial neural networks 14
2-3 Gene ontology 15
2-4 Hidden markov model 17
Chapter 3 Sequence-Structure Alignment Method 20
3-1 Data set 20
3-2 Training and predicting 21
3-2-1 Using hidden markov model 22
3-2-2 Calculate every variable's frequency of passing through 25
3-2-3 Calculate variable’s probability 27
3-2-4 Probability translates into log value 28
3-2-5 Predicting method 30
3-2-6 An example for predicting 31
3-3 Test 32
Chapter4 Performance of Our Approach 36
4-1 Data source and our database 36
4-2 Training 37
4-3 Performance 40
Chapter5 Conclusion and Future Work 44
Reference 45
Appendix A 48
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