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論文名稱(外文):A Performance-Effective Pre-Scheduling Strategy for Grid Systems
指導教授(外文):Ching-Hsien Hsu
外文關鍵詞:master-slave paradigmheterogeneous processorstask schedulingcomputational grid
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在網格計算環境下,執行有效率的工作排程來增進整體系統效能是非常重要的。為了解決網路頻寬與大量的數據計算的工作排程問題,透過主從式架構應用於網格計算平台設計一個有效率的演算法,並且期望擁有最佳效能已經成為一個重要的課題。在本論文中,我們設計的演算法改善了過去在主從式架構下異質性計算的工作排程方法,有別於先前同質性的傳輸頻寬,新的演算法主要考量異質性的網路頻寬來進行模擬,以利應用於網格計算環境下工作排程的改善。演算法的主要排程步驟是針對工作執行時間與工作傳輸時間的比例做排序,分散與減少處理器閒置時間,讓處理器提早執行運算。為了評估所提出演算法的效能,我們實作了Smallest Communication Ratio (SCR) 方法,與Beaumont的演算法。實驗數據顯示SCR有三個優點;一、縮短單一工作執行的平均時間,二、提高系統整體的執行產能,三、提高處理器使用效率與減少處理器的閒置時間。整體而言,SCR演算法可以縮短工作執行時間,其主要原因歸於該演算法讓整體系統的等待時間與閒置時間縮短。
Efficient task scheduling is an important issue to system performance in computational grid. To investigate this problem, the master slave paradigm is a good vehicle for developing tasking technologies of centralized grid system. In this thesis, we extend and improve Beaumont’s scheduling strategies for dispatching tasks to heterogeneous processors in master slave environment. The main extension of this study is the consideration of heterogeneous communication overheads in grid system. One significant improvement of our approach is that average turnaround time could be minimized. The other advantage of the proposed method is that system throughput can be increased by dispersing processor idle time. Our proposed model can be applied on heterogeneous cluster systems within a grid environment in which the communication costs are various from clusters. To evaluate performance of the proposed techniques, we have implemented the proposed algorithms along with Beaumont’s method. The experimental results show that our techniques outperform Beaumont’s algorithm in terms of lower average turnaround time, higher average throughput, less processor idle time and higher processors’ utilization.
Chinese Abstract I
English Abstract II
Acknowledgements III
Table of Contents IV
List of Figures V
1 Introduction
2 Related Work
3 Preliminaries
3.1 Research Architecture
3.2 Definitions
3.3 Master Slave Task Scheduling
4 The Smallest Communication Ratio (SCR) Scheduling with Identical
4.1 Scheduling Without Processor Idle
4.2 Scheduling With Dispersed Processor Idle
5 Smallest Communication Ratio (SCR) Scheduling with Heterogeneous Communication
5.1 Scheduling Without Processor Idle
5.2 Scheduling With Dispersed Processor Idle
6 Performance Evaluation
6.1 Simulation Results for HPIC
6.2 Simulation Results for HPHC
6.3 Miscellaneous Comparison
7 Conclusions and Future Work
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