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研究生(外文):Li-An Yang
論文名稱(外文):The Design and Implementation of a Dynamic Resource Broker Framework in a Grid Environment
指導教授(外文):Kun-Ming Yu
中文關鍵詞:資源仲介者網格globus toolkit
外文關鍵詞:resource brokergridglobus toolkit
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近年來由於網路技術的快速發展,各種網路應用不斷被提出,其中又以計算網格最為盛行。目前已有相當多的研究提出不同的計算網格開發工具,其中以Globus最受研究者歡迎,Globus Toolkit 提供多種標準功能且可以管理各種不同平台上的資源而成為目前網格開發環境中最重要的中介軟體。雖然Globus Toolkit提供相當完整的管理功能,但也因其龐大的架構導致使用者上手不易,且因操作複雜而不易使用,使得使用者無法妥善利用其完整的功能。使用者在進行工作派送時,許多繁雜的流程及步驟需一一檢視及輸入,並且 Globus Toolkit在選擇資源方面無法快速挑選節點和選擇較佳的計算節點進行工作派送,而隨者計算節點的增加,這些問題將更加嚴重。在本論文中我們設計了資源仲介者 (resource broker),資源仲介者架構在Globus Toolkit上面,可以透過各種不同的模組與 Globus Toolkit 整合及溝通,資源仲介者還提供友善的介面讓使用者可以方便的派送工作。資源仲介者亦可以協助使用者方地的檢視網格上面各種資源並加以運用,並且會動態地更新資源狀態,利用其資源選擇模組將查詢到的資料用來評估不同節點的計算能力,再將工作派送到最適合的計算節點來執行。實驗結果顯示使用資源仲介者進行工作之派送與傳統的隨機(random)與輪流(round-robin)的派送方式比較,更可以有效的分配工作至適當計算節點以提升效能、並節省整體計算時間。
關鍵字:資源仲介者,網格,globus toolkit
Owing to the recent great advances in Grid Computing, computational Grids are emerging for solving grand challenge applications. Grid development involves the efficient management of heterogeneous, geographically distributed, and dynamically available resources. However, the huge and complex architecture of grid software is still immature and difficult for user, especially in large grid computing environment. The resource broker has been proposed and developed to help a grid user can easily access to the suitable grid resources and submit jobs without knowing any resource information in the system. The resource broker runs on top of the Globus Toolkit. It can dynamic provide to select node in advance. The experimental results show that the proposed resource broker has superior performance compared with random as well as round-robin method.
Keyword: resource broker, grid, globus toolkit
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Related Works 5
2.1. Parallel Computing 5
2.2. Cluster computing 6
2.3. Grid 8
2.4. The Globus Toolkit 9
2.4.1. OGSA 9
2.4.2. OGSI 10
2.4.3. Globus Toolkit 11
2.4.4. Common runtime components 12
2.4.5. Security components 13
2.4.6. Data management components 13
2.4.7. Monitoring and Discovery Services 15
2.4.8. Execution management 17
Chapter 3 Implementation 20
3.1. Resource Broker 20
3.2. Resource Manager Selection Module 23
Chapter 4 Experimental Results 26
4.1. Experimental Environment 26
4.2. Results 27
4.2.1. Single machine vs. Resource Broker benchmark 27
4.2.2. A Pi application benchmark 28
Chapter 5 Conclusions 31
References 32
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