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研究生(外文):Jeng-Jia Huang
論文名稱(外文):An Application of Synchronous Scaffolding Support Learning in Technical English Collaborative Writing.Technical English Collaborative Writing.
指導教授(外文):Jia-Jiunn Lo
外文關鍵詞:Scaffolding learningCollaborative writingCollaborative learning
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Scaffolding is to assist students to solve the problem that exceed their ability and finished the task that they were unable to finish alone. After students are getting familiar with such teaching environment .When removed, student still could finish their task by themselves. Scaffolding learning mode is a teaching strategy that not only helps to construct individual self- knowledge, but also learns to progress constantly. Therefore, scaffolding theory becomes one of the topics that the education researchers pay attentions to in recent years.
In the past the writing of the article played an important role with traditional teaching. It is integrating of achievement and thinking. Content of article can expression whole of background of research, and thinking of author overall. Besides independent writing, collaborative writing can gather more knowledge, let all of knowledge and idea to excite more intention and intelligence.
In the writing process, it can finish the article through communicationn and collaboration . In the traditional practice, it is the content discussion the write the article, through the chat software, make the structure of the article, finally they integrate the article to send after get common understanding. Because of the lacking of systematic integrating discussion, the structure of the article can not go on systematically. Especially when there are so many different opinions, the article will be loosely organized and have diversed paragraphs.
Taking instruction of article comparison as an example, the purpose of the research is to develop a web-based multi-user collaborative writing and real-time discussing system. In the multi-user writing component, the proposed system could aim to collaborative learning and writing, and communicate with each other to promote the learning effectiveness in the studente’s writing an d to eliminate some shortcomings of traditional system.
The experimental results verified that the system of research is better than the traditional online collaborative writing system. At the same time the system provided real-time discussing component which is useful for learning and teaching of collaborative writing.
摘要 I
英文摘要 II
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目標 1
1.3 論文架構 2
1.4 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1科技英文寫作 5
2.2協同寫作 6
2.3協同學習 7
2.4鷹架學習理論 10
2.5現存協同寫作系統與技術 13
2.5.1 Wiki 13
2.5.2 Google Docs 16
2.6結論 18
第三章 系統分析與架構 20
3.1 系統簡介 20
3.2 系統架構 21
3.2 開發工具 24
3.4系統操作流程 25
3.4.1 作業主題建立 26
3.4.2 文章精靈執行步驟 28
3.4.3 文章精靈執行步驟 39
3.5 結論 43
第四章、實驗設計與評估 45
4.1實驗設計 45
4.1.1 實驗目的 45
4.1.2系統說明 46
4.1.3實驗對象 46
4.1.4態度性問卷 48
4.1.5實驗假說與檢定方式 50
4.2實驗系統操作流程 51
4.2.1控制組系統操作流程 52
4.2.2實驗流程 58
4.3實驗結果分析 60
4.3.1問卷分析結果 60
4.3.2問卷分析結論 65
4.4文章批閱與討論 66
4.4.1文章批閱目的 66
4.4.2文章批閱 66
4.4.3文章批閱結論 70
4.5系統對話記錄分析 71
4.5.1系統對話的分類 71
4.5.2實驗組的對話記錄 75
4.5.3控制組的對話記錄 76
4.5.4對話記錄分析結論 78
4.6實驗結論 79
第五章 結論與未來發展 81
5.1 系統開發 81
5.2 實驗結果 82
5.3 未來發展 83
參考文獻 85
附錄A 87
附錄B 88
附錄C 89
附錄D 90
附錄E 91
附錄F 96
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