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研究生(外文):Cheui-Lu Chiu
論文名稱(外文):VLSI Architectures for 2-D Forward and Inverse Discrete Wavelet Transform Using 4-tap Daubechies Filters
指導教授(外文):Tze-Yun Sung
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本論文提出兩個二維順向與反向離散小波轉換,針對大小為 的影像僅需要 運算時間,第一個部份提出一個高效能順向轉換架構,包括一個轉換模組,位址產生器,以及記憶體模組。轉換模組有一致且規則的架構,簡單的控制電路。第二個部份反向轉換架構是利用平行與管線化的運算,達到高速的運算架構。兩個架構都可以達到100%的硬體使用率,而且適用於二維數位影像處理,如JPEG-2000。
所提出的架構皆以Verilog硬體描述語言來實現,再使用Synopsys的Design Compiler進行電路合成。最後再使用Synopsys的Astro,配合TSMC的0.18 製程技術自動合成出晶片。
In the field of digital image processing, the JPEG-2000 standard uses the discrete wavelet transform for image compression; hence, the two-dimensional (2-D) forward discrete wavelet transform (FDWT)/ inverse DWT (IDWT) has recently been used as a powerful tool for image coding/decoding systems. 2-D FDWT/IDWT demands massive computations, hence, it requires a parallel and pipelined architecture to implement high-efficiency application-specific integrated circuits (ASIC) or field programmable gate array (FPGA). At the heart of the analysis stage of the system is the FDWT. In the synthesis stage, the IDWT recovers the original image from the coefficients of FDWT.
This paper proposes two architectures with computing time for 2-D FDWT and IDWT. The first high-efficiency architecture comprises a transform module, an address generator, and a RAM module. The transform module has uniform and regular structure, simple control flow. The second architecture features parallel and pipelined computation and high throughput, both of the proposed architectures are 100% hardware-utilization and suitable for 2-D digital image processing, such as JPEG-2000.
The proposed VLSI architectures are realized with Verilog HDL, synthesized by the Synopsys Design Compiler. Finally, the layouts for those designs are generated with the Synopsys Astro Tools in a 0.18 1P6M CMOS technology.
第一章 導論 ......................1
1.1 研究背景 .....................1
1.2 相關研究與研究目的 ................2
1.3 章節概要 .................... 3
第二章 離散小波轉換 ..................4
2.1 前言 .......................4
2.2 離散小波轉換 ...................4
2.3 旋積分式離散小波轉換 ...............5
2.3.1 一維順向離散小波轉換 ..............5
2.3.2 一維反向離散小波轉換 ..............7
2.4 二維離散小波轉換 .................8
2.4.1 分離式二維離散小波轉換 .............9
2.4.2 非分離式二維離散小波轉換 ...........10
2.4.3 應用於二維影像的分解 .............12
第三章 高效能架構之二維離散小波轉換..........14
3.1 前言.......................14
3.2 實現分離式二維順向離散小波轉換..........14
3.2.1 圖層式架構 ..................15
3.2.2 多相分解....................16
3.3 邊界問題.....................27
3.3.1 Zero-padding extension ..............27
3.3.2 Periodic extension.................28
3.4 效能比較.....................31
第四章 高效能架構之二維反向離散小波轉換........34
4.1 前言.......................34
4.2 實現分離式二維反向離散小波轉換..........34
4.2.1 圖層式架構 ..................35
4.2.2 多相分解....................36
4.3 邊界問題.....................46
4.3.1 Zero-padding extension ..............46
4.3.2 Periodic extension.................46
4.4 效能比較.....................48
第五章 模擬結果 ....................50
5.1 設計流程圖....................50
5.2 模擬結果.....................51
第六章 結論......................55
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