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研究生(外文):Pao Chia Huang
論文名稱(外文):Piezoelectric Ceramic Motor Table Tracking Control with the KDC Scheme
指導教授(外文):Chi Kuang Huang
外文關鍵詞:Piezoelectric ceramic motorTracking control
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在這研究中,我們考慮壓電陶瓷馬達平台的動態行為來做系統判別,將這平台的運動行為建立出數學模型利用T-S Fuzzy Model的架構來組合,並且使用Lyapunov 穩定定理來設計運動追蹤控制器。在壓電陶瓷馬達平台動態結構的研究上我們考慮了不確定性;由於外部雜訊和不確定性只影響到動態結構,所以我們將動態和運動的控制器分開設計。因此在這篇論文中將提出雙迴圈架構方法來結合運動與強建軌跡追蹤控制。我們設計了觀測器來估測狀態參數,並且用 控制法則來保證在有不確定性下的壓電陶瓷馬達平台系統仍然有強建追蹤性能。
In the study we consider the model of the piezoelectric ceramic motor (PCM) table kinematical behavior to design the kinematical tracking controller by using the Lyapunov stability theorem. Dynamic model of the PCM is studied with consideration of the model uncertainty. Since disturbances and uncertainties have effects only on the dynamic model, the dynamic and kinematical controllers are separately designed. Therefore, the two-loop scheme in thesis, which integrates kinematical controller and robust dynamical tracking controllers.
1 Introduction
2 Linear Piezoelectric Ceramic Motor Table
3 State Space Model
4 Two-Loop Scheme
4.1 linfinite Fuzzy Observer-Based Control Design
4.1.1 Kinematic Control and Dynamic Control Design
4.2 linfinite Performance and Linear Matrix Inequalities
5 Conclusions
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