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研究生(外文):Meng-Ru Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Flaws Detection and Classification System for Optical Discs
指導教授(外文):Yih-Chih Chiou
外文關鍵詞:Flaw DetectionClassificationOptical DiscAOIBright-field Imaging
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光碟產業使用許多自動光學檢測(Automatic Optical Inspection • AOI)設備以確保所生產之光碟沒有瑕疵,然而大部份的AOI設備都是仰賴進口而且價格相當昂貴。除此之外,目前並沒有任何一套設備可以將瑕疵品進一步做分級的工作。有鑑於此,本研究發展一套以線掃瞄取像技術為基礎之光碟片瑕疵偵測與分級系統,冀望能夠降低光碟製造業者購置AOI設備的成本,以提高產業的競爭力。
為了達成上述目標,本研究分兩階段進行。第一階段為硬體設備的規劃,其首要目標是將出現在光碟上的所有瑕疵完整且真實的呈現出來。本階段是本研究成敗的關鍵,因為如果影像中所出現的瑕疵失真或不完整,則後續的工作將變得毫無意義可言。儘管光碟片屬於高反射體,本研究採用亮場成像原理,同時攫取光碟片正反兩面的影像以節省時間。本研究所建構之硬體設備是由兩台線掃瞄攝影機、兩塊影像攫取卡、兩台線性光纖光源、一個步進馬達驅動之旋轉平台所組成。第二階段是利用影像濾波、梯度分析、影像分割、形態處理、物件分析、邊界偵測、及特徵抽取與分析等影像處理技術,發展一套瑕疵檢測程式,將瑕疵分割出來並予以分類。實驗結果顯示,本研究所發展之AOI系統可成功檢查出光碟表面上的瑕疵,包含刮痕、流星、針孔、氣泡、條紋、及沾污等。就P4 3.0G之個人電腦及2048 pixels解析度之線掃瞄攝影機而言,在29 μm的空間解析度下檢測時間約需0.765秒;在117 μm的空間解析度下,檢測時間則只需0.172秒。
Optical disc industry uses many automated optical inspection (AOI) systems to ensure their products defect-free. However, most of them are imported and very expensive. Besides, none of them is capable of providing grading function for the defected discs. In view of this, the object of the research is to develop a linescan-based flaw detection and classification system to reduce the cost for purchasing AOI equipment and increase the competitiveness of domestic DVD industry.
To achieve the above-mentioned objectives, a two-step approach is adopted. The first step is to establish an apparatus to acquire images that will truly show all the defects on the surface of optical discs. This step is crucial to the success of the study, because if the captured defects are incomplete or camera cannot even perceive defects at all, the developed system will be useless. In spite of the high reflecting surface of the optical discs, we apply bright-field imaging technique to capture images of both sides simultaneously to reduce inspection time. The developed imaging system consists of two line-scan cameras, two image grabbers, two line-type fiber-optic light sources, and a rotation stage driven by a stepping motor. The second step is to develop a flaw-detection program by using image-processing techniques such as filtering, segmentation, blob analysis, edge detection, feature extraction and analysis, etc. to detect and classify defects. The experimental results show that the developed AOI system is successful in inspecting optical discs having specular surfaces for defects such as scratches, comets, pinholes, bubbles, streaks, etc. For a P4 3.0G personal computer and a 2048 pixels line-scan camera, if the desired resolution is 29 μm, it takes 0.765 seconds to complete the inspection. On the other hand, if the desired resolution is 117 μm, it takes only 0.172 seconds.
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
誌 謝 iii
目 錄 iv
圖 目 錄 vi
表 目 錄 viii

1. 前言 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 7
1.3 文獻回顧 7
1.3.1 現有檢測機台 7
1.3.2 專利 10
1.3.3 國內外研究 11
2. 研究設備與方法 14
2.1 檢測硬體設備之配置 14
2.1.1 線掃瞄攝影機 15
2.1.2 旋轉機構與取像高度 17
2.1.3 線型光纖光源與照明方式 21
2.2 檢測軟體程式及檢測流程 23
2.3 參數設定與位置校正 24
2.3.1 參數設定 25
2.3.2 位置校正 27
3. 影像攫取 31
3.1 半透明DVD 32
3.2 鏡反射DVD 34
3.3 亮暗場照明方式之選擇 35
4. 瑕疵偵測與分類 38
4.1 瑕疵偵測 38
4.1.1 平均灰階值瑕疵檢測法 39
4.1.2灰階標準差瑕疵檢測法 40
4.1.3平均梯度瑕疵檢測法 41
4.1.4多閥值瑕疵檢測法 42
4.1.5 瑕疵偵測法的比較 43 瑕疵完整性 43 處理時間 47 參數易調性 49 瑕疵檢測法之選用準則 49
4.2 瑕疵分類與光碟分級 51
4.3 顯示及輸出檢測結果 55
4.3.1結果的顯示 55
4.3.2 輸出結果 59
5. 研究結果與討論 60
5.1 研究結果 60
5.1.1 Dye樣本實驗結果 60
5.1.2 Bond DVD樣本實驗結果 67
5.2 討論 70
6. 結論 72
6.1 結論 72
6.2 未來展望 73
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