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研究生(外文):Tien-Wei Yu
論文名稱(外文):Flow Visualization and Dynamic Measurement of an Axisymmetic Thrust-Vectoring Nozzle
指導教授(外文):Yi-Lung Yang
外文關鍵詞:Axisymmetic Thrust-Vectoring Nozzleboundary layerSecondary flow
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A flow visualization system was used to investigate the dynamic performance of a two-dimensional nozzle. For the deflect plate at 60mm with turning angel at 30 degree, the recirculation region covers 30 percent of the exit flow area. For a turning angle at 50 degree, the recirculation region extends to 45 percent of the exit flow area. Under a periodic motion of the deflectors, the region of recirculation zone grows up with the turning frequency of the deflectors. At 5 rpm turning frequency of the deflectors, the exit jet becomes almost straight. At high frequency of periodic thrust vectoring, the boundary layer thickness is increased to block the main jet direction from the deflecting angle. Due to the limited turning angle (less than 25 degree) and operating frequency of the two-dimensional thrust-vectoring nozzle, a circular pipe was used to investigate the dynamic response of thrust-vectoring at a larger turning angle. The current circular pipe gives 80 percent of efficiency at 90 degree turning. For a step up/down control of exit turning angle, the measurement on transient thrust follows well with the nozzle exit turning angle. The time delay between the thrust and the step up/down command is negligible. For a periodic opening/closing of the circular pipe, the higher periodic frequency the larger the time delay. Above 3.33 rpm of exit angle changing between 15 degree and 50 degree, the axial thrust and tangential thrust fall to a steady response at 33 degree. For a larger the turning angle, the boundary layer becomes thicker. The exit thrust is more likely to become a steady response at a lower frequency of turning angle.
第一章 緒 論.................................................1
1-1 前言.......................................................1
1-2 研究方法與目的..............................................4
1-3 參考文獻....................................................5
1-4 章節大綱....................................................6
第二章 實驗設備與測試平台.........................................7
2-1 實驗設備介紹.................................................7
2-1-1 JPV-300SS軸流式鼓風機.....................................7
2-1-2 推力感應器(Load Cell......................................8
2-1-3 Load cell 訊號放大器.....................................10
2-1-4 五相步進馬達.............................................10
2-1-5 四軸脈波產生控制器.........................................11
2-1-6 伺服馬達.................................................12
2-1-7 資料擷取系統..............................................13
2-1-8 Motorola MC68376 單晶片..................................13
2-1-9 ARTCAM-130MI 影像擷取系統.................................14
2-1-10氦氖雷射(HELIUM-NEON LASERS)..............................15
2-2 二維推力測試平台............................................16
2-3 軸對稱動態彎管噴嘴測試平台之開發..............................17
2-3-1 噴嘴彎管曲率半徑之設計.....................................18
2-3-2 噴嘴控制機構之設計.........................................19
第三章 二維向量噴嘴視流場觀測系統之建立.............................21
3-1 實驗方法....................................................21
3-2 穩態二維噴嘴流場觀測..........................................23
第四章 軸對稱噴嘴之動態量測 .......................................31
4-1 軸對稱噴嘴穩態之量測.........................................31
4-2 軸對稱噴嘴漸開漸關之性能量測..................................32
4-3 軸對稱向量噴嘴週期運動之量測..................................43
第五章 結論與未來工作............................................50
5-1 結論 ......................................................50
5-2 未來工作...................................................51
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