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研究生(外文):Yung-Lin Peng
論文名稱(外文):Analysis and Validation of Unsteady Turbulent Flows with Moving Boundaries
指導教授(外文):Yi-Lung Yang
外文關鍵詞:unsteady turbulent flowspseudo timeoscillating airfoil
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本研究以四種不同紊流模式進行穩態機翼流場之分析比較,在低攻角無分離情況下,Chien、Fan, S., Lakshminarayana, B., and Barnett, M(FLB)以及Launder-Sharma(LS)之κ-ε紊流分析結果與實驗數據接近而κ-ω (KW與KWH)分析之結果誤差較大,在輕微分離攻角下,以KWH及LS之紊流模式有較佳之預測能力。而在嚴重分離攻角下,KWH之分離位置與實驗結果較能一致,但在尾緣處與實驗數據仍有些差距。而在非穩態之週期俯仰機翼分析上採用虛擬時間(pseudo time)步階方式進行,在低攻角擺動下之升力、阻力係數之預測上,以LS之結果較符合實驗趨勢,力矩係數上以KW與實驗較吻合。動態輕微失速攻角下,以KWH之趨勢較接近實驗數據。在動態嚴重失速攻角下,升力與阻力係數與實驗數據之差異很大。
Several turbulent models were used for unsteady turbulent flows around moving solid bodies. At a steady low angle attack without separation on the airfoil, the κ-ε models give a better results compared to κ-ω models. At a steady mild angle attack with light stall on the airfoil, the high Reynolds number κ-ω model and Jones-Launder κ-ε model give a closer pressure coefficient compared to other turbulent models. At a high angle attack with deep stall on the airfoil, only the high Reynolds number κ-ω model provides a better result. A pseudo time Runge-Kutta time marching scheme was used to solve the flow around an oscillating airfoil. The Launder-Sharma κ-ε turbulent model predicts better than the other models in the lift and drag hysteresis loops for light-stall cases. For the moment coefficient hysteresis loop, the high Reynolds number κ-ω model provides a better prediction. There exist large difference between the computations and experiment for deep stall cases. Overall, the high Reynolds number κ-ω model provide better results than the other models. This can be attributed to the better behavior of separation calculation.
摘要 i
圖目錄 iv
表目錄 v
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 文獻回顧 1
1-3 採用方法 4
1-4 章節安排 4
第二章 統御方程式 6
2-2 紊流模式 6
第三章 數值方法 11
3-1 非穩態時間積分 11
3-2 流通量計算 12
3-3 穩定性分析 12
3-4 人工黏滯 16
3-5 邊界條件 17
3-5-1 外流場 17
3-5-2 固體壁面 19
3-5-3 週期面 19
第四章 數值結果與討論 20
4-1 計算網格 20
4-2 不同紊流模式之穩態流場分析 20
4-3 不同紊流模式之非穩態流場分析 22
4-3-1 局部疊代 22
4-3-2 時間步階 23
4-3-3 動態失速 23
第五章 結論與未來展望 26
5-1 結論 26
5-2 未來工作 27
參考文獻 28
附錄A 31
附錄B-1 32
附錄B-2 33
附錄B-3 35
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