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研究生(外文):Chiang, Shu-Hua
論文名稱(外文):The Relationships among Power Bases, Charismatic Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors for Managers in Southern Taiwan Science Park (STSP)─ Employee’s Personality as a Moderating Variable
指導教授(外文):Lee, Yuan-DuenChen, Pi-Ching
外文關鍵詞:Power basesCharismatic leadershipOrganizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs)Personality traits
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知識時代下,高科技廠商面臨著充滿高風險和激烈變化的國際競爭環境,維持企業生存之道,不外乎需要有效能的領導者,來建立企業之願景目標並化解來自各方的挑戰。而魅力型領導者正是具有願景、能夠接受風險並對內外環境有一定的敏感知覺。 而一領導者得以引領整個企業是來自於權力,一般而言,魅力型領導者較強調其個人權力,本研究將同時探討個人權和職位權對魅力型領導者影響的情況。另外,在魅力領導的過程中,也強調領導者和部屬間的互動關係,因此組織公民行為如何受此過程之影響也是探討的要點之一。而在魅力型領導影響部屬行為時,是否會因為部屬人格特質受到影響,造成加強或減弱效果。
In the era of knowledge-based economy, the high-tech firms are facing an international competitive environment with high risks and radical changes. To exist continuously, enterprises need an effective leader to create visions and deal with diverse challenges. A charismatic leader would like to have a vision, take risks, and have sensitivity to toward the surroundings. As power bases existing, a leader can pilot organizations into excellent operation. Generally, researchers emphasize personal power in a charismatic process. This research explores the influence condition of position power and personal power on charismatic leaders simultaneously. The process of charismatic leadership also focuses the interaction of a leader and a subordinate. Therefore, how organizational citizenship behaviors are influenced in this process is a point needed to study. Finally, this research explores whether subordinates’ personality traits have certain effects or not as charismatic leaders influence subordinates’ behaviors.
Three hundred and seventy five dyads of questionnaires were distributed to supervisors and subordinates in Southern Taiwan Science Park, and 81 dyads of questionnaires are effectively returned. Reliability analysis, canonical correlation analysis, regression analysis, and LISREL are adopted to demonstrate the hypotheses of this research and goodness-of-fit of research model. The results show that this goodness-of-fit of research model is acceptable. Both position power and personal power have significant positive effects on charismatic leadership and organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs). Charismatic leadership has a significant positive effect on OCBs. Besides, personality traits have moderating influence on the relationship between charismatic leadership and OCBs. In the end, there are discussion on the conclusion and implications and this research offers suggestions on management practices and directions of future research for academia and practice.
1.1 Research Background and Motivations 1
1.2 Research Objectives 5
1.3 Research Procedure 6
1.4 Structure of Thesis 7
2.1 Power Bases 8
2.1.1 Power 8
2.1.2 Power Base 9
2.1.3 The Consequences of Power Bases 12
2.2 Charismatic Leadership 15
2.2.1 Leadership 15
2.3 Organizational Citizenship Behavior 23
2.3.1 Organizational Citizenship Behavior 23
2.3.2 The Behavior Content of OCBs 25
2.3.3 The Relevant Researches of OCBs 28
2.4 Personality Traits 31
2.4.1 Personality 31
2.4.2 The Model of Personality Traits 33
2.5 Relationship among constructs 35
2.5.1 Power Bases and Charismatic Leadership 35
2.5.2 Charismatic Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors 36
2.5.3 Power Bases and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors 37
2.5.4 The Relationships among Powers, Charismatic Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors 37
3.1 Research Framework 39
3.2 Variables Measurement and Questionnaire Design 40
3.2.1 Power Bases 40
3.2.3 Organizational Citizenship Behaviors 42
3.2.4 Employees’ Personality Traits 43
3.3 Sampling Design 44
3.4 Analysis of Data Plan 45
3.5 Analysis of Reliability and Validity 46
3.5.1 Analysis of Reliability 46
3.5.2 Analysis of Vailidity 46
3.5.3 The Adjusted Research Framework 52
4.1 Characteristics of the Samples and Dimensions 53
4.1.1 Characteristics of the Sample of Employees 53
4.1.2 Characteristics of Dimensions 56
4.2 Correlation of Constructs 58
4.3 Regression Analysis of Constructs 66
4.4 The Moderating Effect of Employees’ Personality Traits on Charismatic Leadership and OCBs 72
4.5 Analysis of Full-Model 75
5.1 Discussion of the Findings 77
5.1.1 The Correlation of Power Bases, Charismatic Leadership and OCBs 77
5.1.2 Influence Relationship among Power Bases, Charismatic Leadership, and OCBs 78
5.2 Implications and Suggestions 82
5.3 Limitations of the Research 84
Appendix 1 Expert Questionnaire of Power Bases 92
Appendix 2 Content Validity of Questionnaire of Power Bases 102
Appendix 3 Description and Questionnaire 108
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1. 領導風格、工作滿足、人格特質對離職傾向之關聯性研究-以醫藥代表為例
2. 主管領導型態、人格特質、組織承諾與工作績效關聯性之研究—以國防部軍備局生產製造中心生產工廠為例
3. 派遣員工之人格特質、角色壓力、組織承諾與組織公民行為之相關研究
4. 人格特質、印象管理策略選擇與印象管理策略知覺之研究,以團體套裝旅遊中領隊-團員為例
5. 國際企業外派員工之人格特質、跨文化訓練、跨文化調適與工作績效關係模式之研究---以美商在台子公司為實證
6. 人格特質對工作績效影響之探討─以某運輸服務業之T公司為例
7. 領導者-成員交換關係、權力距離、辱罵式管理與組織公民行為關係之研究-以製造業泰籍與菲籍勞工為例
8. 主管領導風格與部屬工作投入之相關性-以台北及高雄地區大專院校軍訓教官為例
9. 台灣股市投資人之人格特質、影響投資因素對投資型態、投資績效之相關研究
10. 網路與真實人際關係、人格特質及幸福感之相關研究
11. 五大人格特質與工作態度關連性之研究—以台灣高科技產業為例
12. 勞動者人格特質、勞資關係氣氛、工作生活品質關聯性之實證研究
13. 魅力型領導對工作績效的雙面刃效果
14. 主管的人格特質、組織政治知覺與員工組織承諾關聯性之研究-以中部地區大學教育行政人員為例
15. 金融業、半導體業、鋼鐵業之轉換型、交易型領導與權力基礎關係之比較